What is the answer to the puzzle in Skuldafn?

What is the answer to the puzzle in Skuldafn?

The door puzzle is a combination door requiring the Diamond Claw. The combination on the palm of the claw is, from top to bottom: fox, moth, dragon.

Is there a way to keep the Dragon Priest staff?

His name means “vengeance” in the dragon language. In order to keep his staff, you must kill him right after he removes his staff from dragon seal, take the staff from ash pile then enter Sovngarde before the portal is closed. Use 2 or 3 words of the Slow Time shout before attacking him for a better chance of success.

Where can I find Alduin in Skyrim?

Alduin, shouting Fire Breath. A prophecy foretelling Alduin’s return is on Alduin’s Wall, located at Sky Haven Temple, built in the First Era and recounted in the Book of the Dragonborn, and possibly on Elder Scroll.

How do you fight Alduin in Dragonborn?

The two brothers exchange words as they engage in battle in the skies. Alduin will start the battle by roaring and summoning a storm that rains meteors down from the sky. The only way to damage Alduin is to use the Dragonrend shout. Upon Alduin’s defeat, Alduin will fly away to Sovngarde .

How do you get a skeletal dragon to speak to Alduin?

He speaks the words “Slen Tiid Vo!” and a shout that looks similar to Unrelenting Force will go into the mound, causing the stone lid to crumble and burst apart. A skeletal dragon will then rise from the mound and start speaking to Alduin. After a small conversation between the two dragons, the skeletal dragon will regain his scales.

How does Alduin resurrect the dragon from the dead?

Alduin will use a shout to resurrect this dragon. He speaks the words “Slen Tiid Vo!” and a shout that looks similar to Unrelenting Force will go into the mound, causing the stone lid to crumble and burst apart. A skeletal dragon will then rise from the mound and start speaking to Alduin.


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