What is the antonym of endogenous?

What is the antonym of endogenous?

Exogenous is the opposite of endogenous. In biology and medicine, especially psychiatry, the word exogenous is used to describe outside factors, something that originates from outside the organism.

What is endogenous synonym?

Find another word for endogenous. In this page you can discover 14 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for endogenous, like: endogenic, exogenous, , inducible, GDNF, angiogenic, autocrine, cytokine, chemotactic, interleukin-1 and neurotrophic.

What do we mean by endogenous?

Definition of endogenous 1 : growing or produced by growth from deep tissue endogenous plant roots. 2a : caused by factors inside the organism or system suffered from endogenous depression endogenous business cycles. b : produced or synthesized within the organism or system an endogenous hormone.

What’s another word for exogenous?

What is another word for exogenous?

external extrinsic
alien estranged
exogenetic exotic
foreign remote
strange unfamiliar

What does exogenous mean in geography?

Exogenous factors are external influences on a place’s identity. They are caused by a place’s relationship with other places. Exogenous factors contributing to the character of places​

What does endogenous mean in psychology?

adj. originating within the body as a result of normal biochemical or physiological processes (e.g., endogenous opioids) or of predisposing biological or genetic influences (e.g., endogenous depression). Compare exogenous. —endogenously adv.

What is the opposite of synonym?

Even antonym has an antonym! The opposite of antonym is synonym, which is a word that has the same meaning as another word.

What is an example of endogenous?

Agricultural inputs are also considered to be endogenous. For example, the amount of crop yields is endogenous because it is dependent on many other variables, such as the weather, soil fertility, water availability, pests, and diseases.

What is the difference between exogenous and endogenous?

An endogenous variable is a variable in a statistical model that’s changed or determined by its relationship with other variables within the model. Endogenous variables are the opposite of exogenous variables, which are independent variables or outside forces.

What does exogenous mean in biology?

Arising from a source outside the organism or cell. ( see also endogenous)

What is an endogenous structure in biology?

(B) Endogenous: The cell protoplasm becomes differentiated and condensed into a spherical or oval mass (very rarely cylindrical). Endogenous Structures, in botany, are those which arise in the interior of the parent organ.

What is an endendogenous stem?

Endogenous stems are those that grow inwardly, from the centre. The exogenous and endogenous hydatids may coexist in the same bearer. We have in the botanical world the exogenous and the endogenous tree. It is an endogenous tree, and the cambium layer does not obtain.

What is the difference between exogenous and endogenous stem?

Endogenous stems are those that grow inwardly, from the centre. The exogenous and endogenous hydatids may coexist in the same bearer. We have in the botanical world the exogenous and the endogenous tree.

What is an example of an endogenous threat?

These threats can be endogenous–internally generated, like if you have stressful thoughts–or they can be exogenous, such as the noise of an ambulance or pinging notifications on your phone overnight. (B) Endogenous: The cell protoplasm becomes differentiated and condensed into a spherical or oval mass (very rarely cylindrical).


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