What is the art of napkin folding?

What is the art of napkin folding?

Napkin folding is a type of decorative folding done with a napkin. It can be done as art or as a hobby. Napkin folding is most commonly encountered as a table decoration in fancy restaurants. There are variations in napkin folding in which a rectangular napkin, a napkin ring, a glass, or multiple napkins may be used.

What is the importance of learning the basic napkin folding?

Proper dining etiquette and table manners includes knowing how to use your napkin. When dining, using your napkin properly is an important part of the experience. Not only is it handy for blotting spills and patting your mouth, but it is also essential when you need to clean your hands.

What are the formal points of a napkin folds?

Directions On How To Fold Your Napkin

  • Step1. Iron the napkin flat.
  • Step2. Fold the napkin in half diagonally.
  • Step3. Fold the right corner of the napkin over to the left as shown in the picture.
  • Step4. Fold the right side of the napkin towards the left until the desired necktie shape is formed on the napkin.

Where do you put your napkin when eating?

If you leave the table during a meal, place your napkin, loosely folded, on the seat of your chair. A napkin is never returned to the table until you’re ready to leave; it stays on your lap, even after the meal is finished.

What is purpose of table napkin?

The function of table napkins is very simple – they are meant to wipe food and drink from the mouth, and they also can be used as a protection for clothing while eating.

What are the factors to consider in selecting proper table napkin folding?

Before Selecting a Napkin, There are Several Items to Consider: Is the function or atmosphere informal or formal? What is the experience you want for your customer? Should the napkin be strictly functional or an added element to enhance the table setting?

What is Arrow napkin fold?

Fold the right triangle in half diagonally, so its outer edge lines up with the far right edge of the napkin. Make the same fold with the left triangle. Lift up the center of the napkin… Et voila — you’ve got an arrow!

How do you make a crane out of a cloth napkin?


  1. Start with a square paper napkin.
  2. Fold the napkin in half vertically.
  3. Open the napkin.
  4. Fold the right corner over just past the center crease.
  5. Fold the left corner over to the right.
  6. Fold the top flap back on itself.
  7. Fold the bottom flap back on itself.
  8. Fold the bottom tip just a little past the top tip.

How do you make a cloth napkin Swan?

How To: Swan Napkin Fold

  1. Fold napkin in half with open edge toward you.
  2. Fold in quarters.
  3. Turn so it’s a diamond in front of you with open corners to the bottom.
  4. Fold left corner over center line.
  5. Fold right corner to meet the other side.
  6. Fold top flap back to meet right edge.
  7. Fold bottom flap back to meet left edge.


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