What is the best bait for kahawai?

What is the best bait for kahawai?

Bait fishing Kahawai love current and surf. Sand beaches fish well, and rivermouths are ideal spots to find them feeding. They will take all baits, from crayfish to kahawai fillets, but the best bait is pilchard.

How do you catch kahawai with lures?

Kahawai will take just about any lure, as long as it is the right size, when fished on light spinning tackle. Standard metal jigs will work, as will soft-plastic baits. A ‘yo-yo’ retrieve is good. Cast out and let the lure sink.

What do kawaii fish eat?

Kahawai can cover vast distances quickly because of their speed. They are fast growing, and are a very reproductively productive species compared to snapper. They eat other fish, but mainly live on krill. The average size of a kahawai is 40–50 cm and 1–2 kg in weight.

How do you get kahawai off the rocks?

In remote locations kahawai congregate around rocky promontories and headlands in big numbers and it is possible to cast small stray-line baits and spinners into these areas and catch them without the aid of berley.

Do you need to bleed kahawai?

It is best to kill kahawai and bleed as soon as possible as the flesh goes off quickly. They do have distinctive brownish blood lines when filleted. Kahawai are reasonably good eating but especially good for curries or fish pie and are brilliant smoked.

What time of year do kahawai run?

Kahawai schools are often seasonal at river mouths, occurring from September until May, with numbers peaking in the warmest months of January and February.

How do kahawai feed?

Kahawai are a schooling fish and when hunting for small fish or krill, employ a herding technique that they themselves may be unaware of. As shown in the picture below, kahawai drive the prey to the surface and then gobble them up while poking their backs high out above the water.. is then swallowed whole.

What is the size limit for kahawai?

Table 1: Combined bag

Finfish Species Min fish length (cm) Max daily limit per fisher
Kahawai 20
Grey Mullet 20
Parore 20
Pilchard No limit

Are kahawai bottom feeders?

Soft-plastic lures can also work very well on kahawai. However, as your bottom feeders strategies will be much less effective on this species, it pays to experiment with lure size and speed of retrieval.

Can you catch kahawai at night?

Baits and casting Kahawai usually come on the bite in the breakers at change of light, which is another good reason to be at your spot before nightfall. When night fishing it will be impossible to see whether your bait has come off during the cast, so using firm bait is important.

What are the best kahawai fishing tips?

Another of our kahawai fishing tips is to have a spare spinning rod all set up and handy at all times. When camping at the beach over summer at Kaikoura, and other places, you have to be ready for the schools when they come into casting range. Have your rod and reel set up with a lure tied on.

Where can I fish for kahawai in Canterbury?

Kahawai caught in the surf at the mouth of Canterbury’s Waimakariri River. Fishing for kahawai at the mouth of Canterbury’s Waimakariri River. Here are some top kahawai fishing tips you can put into action this summer. The humble kahawai pound for pound is one of the best fighting fish in the sea.

What is a kahawai fish?

Kahawai are without doubt one of the hero fish in New Zealand waters. They can grow in excess of 8kg – these supersized models are known as Kermadec kahawai and are actually a subspecies – although any standard kahawai over 2.7kg (6lb) is considered a prime specimen. Kahawai also have many uses once caught.

What is the best Ticer for kahawai?

Kahawai taken on a green and silver salmon ticer. That’s a good kahawai fishing tip; kahawai like green and silver ticers. Rather than using a 55 or 68g ticer (hex wobbler) try fishing with a 20g silver jig shaped like a fish.


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