What is the correct position of fingers when typing?

What is the correct position of fingers when typing?

It is important to position your hands on the keyboard correctly. Your fingers must be in the middle row of your keyboard on the “home keys”: Starting with your left hand, place your little finger on key A, ring finger on S, middle finger on D and index finger on F. Your thumb must rest on the Space bar.

Is 10 finger typing really faster?

The number of fingers does not determine typing speed, new study shows. People using self-taught typing strategies were found to be as fast as trained typists.

What are 5 proper typing techniques?

Below are some points to remember.

  • Keep your feet on the floor to maintain balance.
  • Position your body to the “H” key.
  • Keep your overall posture in a straight position.
  • The chair should be 10-15 cm away from the keyboard.
  • Have your fingers curved over the home row keys.
  • Remember to keep wrists off the keyboard.

Which finger is used for Z?

To type the Z key, we use our left pinkie finger, just like the Q and A keys. The X key is typed with the left ring finger, like the W and S keys.

When typing you should hold your elbows?

Your keyboard should be at a height that allows your elbows to be bent about 90 degrees and close to your sides. Many keyboards and keyboard trays have wrist supports to help keep your wrists in a neutral, almost straight position.

What finger do you strike the P?

right pinky finger
The I key is typed using our right middle finger, the O key by using our right ring finger, and the P key by using our right pinky finger.

Which finger is used for G?

Each index or pointer finger is responsible for two rows of keys. The right hand pointer takes the “U” and “M” column, as well as the “Y,” “H” and “N” keys. The left hand index finger is at rest on “F” and moves up for “R,” down for “V” and over for “T,” “G” and “B”.

How should your finger be place while typing?

Touch Typing Tutor Feel the bumps on the F and J keys. The bumps are there to guide you to position your fingers on the keyboard wihout looking. Place your index fingers on the F and J keys. Your fingers should lightly touch the keys. This is the “Basic Position”.

What is the best position for typing?

The best typing posture is demonstrated as sitting up straight at a desk with relaxed shoulders and feet flat on the floor.

What are the proper position of fingers in using keyboard?

A key. The left pinky (little) finger is placed over the “A” key and is also responsible for the second most keys on the keyboard,including the following keys.

  • S key. The left ring finger is placed over the “S” key and is also responsible for the following keys.
  • D key.
  • F key.
  • J key.
  • K key.
  • L key.
  • ; (semicolon) key.
  • Spacebar.
  • How to type with 10 fingers?

    – Typing Tips. When it’s the first time you want to type with ten fingers, start by putting your index fingers on the two keys with the bump on each of – The Position and Function of Each Finger on the Keyboard. Your concern here is to learn the role or function of each finger. – Right Hand Fingers Role. Ring Finger: To press key L, O, 9 / opening bracket ( (), dot (.) Little finger: All keys on the right side, apart from the – Left Hand Fingers Role. Index Finger: To type key F, R, V, G, T, B, 4, and 5. Middle Finger: To press key D, E, C, and 3. – The Practice to Learn Typing with Ten Fingers. Another solution to learn to type with ten fingers on the keyboard is by using a typing practice software program which is


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