What is the difference between the configuration types XML and annotation?

What is the difference between the configuration types XML and annotation?

Xml configuration is very good to get a bigger picture of application but it maybe cumbersome to find some errors until runtime. In this case Spring @Configuration annotation sounds as a better choice since it let you see a bigger picture as well and also allows to validate configuration on compile time.

How you use hibernate using XML or annotations and why?

Annotations are a better choice for a new application, since it makes the application free from XML files. It is also less code and maintenance is easy. It also helps for refactoring the application (with IDE like Eclipse/NetBeans, etc.), which is the problem with XML since you need to change it manually.

Why annotations are used in hibernate?

Hibernate Annotations is the powerful way to provide the metadata for the Object and Relational Table mapping. All the metadata is clubbed into the POJO java file along with the code, this helps the user to understand the table structure and POJO simultaneously during the development.

Which is better annotation or XML in spring?

Annotations have their use, but they are not the one silver bullet to kill XML configuration. I recommend mixing the two! For instance, if using Spring, it is entirely intuitive to use XML for the dependency injection portion of your application.

What is difference between Java based configuration and annotation based configuration?

They are similar, but have subtle differences. Instead of having an @Component annotation on your class( which is annotation-based configuration ), you can skip the @Component and instead have a @Bean annotated method which returns a new instance of this class. ( this is Java-based configuration).

Why annotations are used in Spring?

Spring Boot Annotations is a form of metadata that provides data about a program. In other words, annotations are used to provide supplemental information about a program. It is not a part of the application that we develop. It does not have a direct effect on the operation of the code they annotate.

Is @column annotation necessary?

Let’s start with the @Column annotation. It is an optional annotation that enables you to customize the mapping between the entity attribute and the database column. But you sometimes need it to work with a legacy database or as a temporary step during a complex refactoring.

Can we use JPA and Hibernate together?

Hibernate is one of them. So basically you can simply use JPA instead of mix of both.

Why we use XML in Spring?

I would say that the reason Spring favors XML over Java is that the two languages are for two different tasks. Java is a programming language. Its purpose is to describe algorithms, programs, control flow, etc. If deducing the structure of your program requires complex control flow, Java would be a good choice.

What acts same as @RequestMapping?

3. Spring @PostMapping Example. The @PostMapping is specialized version of @RequestMapping annotation that acts as a shortcut for @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.

What is the difference between hibernate annotations and mappings?

For example, Hibernate mappings are often in XML, but annotations often provide the ability to specify the same mappings with significantly less metadata. Any changes you make to your mappings (whether in XML or annotations) could potentially be behavior breaking.

Do I need annotations when upgrading to Hibernate 3?

If you are upgrading from a Hibernate 2 environment or working with an existing Hibernate 3 environment, you will already have XML-based mapping files to support your code base. All else being equal, you will not want to re-express these mappings using annotations just for the sake of it.

Is it better to use @configuration or @configuration annotation in XML?

Xml configuration is very good to get a bigger picture of application but it maybe cumbersome to find some errors until runtime. In this case Spring @Configuration annotation sounds as a better choice since it let you see a bigger picture as well and also allows to validate configuration on compile time.

How to create hibernate mappings in Java?

A you may know that prior to the inline annotations, the only way to create hibernate mappings was through XML files. Although various tools from Hibernate and third-party projects allowed part or all of these mappings to be generated from Java source code automatically.


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