What is the Elvish word for protector?

What is the Elvish word for protector?

hilya- “to follow” [KHIL] and Hildor “Followers”, an Elvish name of Men in the Silmarillion). A possible translation of “protector, defender” must therefore be *vardo. The High-Elven equivalent of Alexander thus appears to be Atanvardo.

How do you say Raven in Elvish?

But the Elvhen word for raven is “raag.”

What makes an elf name?

Throughout their lives, elves may obtain more than one name. They receive one name given to them by their fathers, which might have similar features to other elves in the family (example: Fëanor is the brother of Finarfin, Elrond is the father of Elladan and Elrohir).

What is Elvish shell?

Elvish Shell. Elvish is an expressive programming language and a versatile interactive shell, combined into one seamless package. It runs on Linux, BSDs, macOS and Windows.

What name means Elf Queen?

10. Elbereth. The name Elbereth comes from the Elvish Sindarin language and has the meaning of being ‘star queen’.

What is this Elvish name list for?

The purpose of this name list is to give you a close Elvish translation of your name, without being long, unpronouncable, or “non-Elvish-sounding”. Changes to original name translation are noted where possible (in the form of “lit. ‘ [literal translation]'”).

Is there a name generator for Elf?

Elf name generator. This name generator will generate 10 random names for elves. Elves come in many different forms, but they often share similar traits. Beauty, pointy ears, tall and slender bodies, and so on. They usually also share similar naming traits, which are usually melodic, somewhat long, and sometimes hard to pronounce.

How do you translate the name Adele into Elvish?

For girls’ names, I have added the feminine suffixes “iel” and “wen” to most of them, making a translation of the name Adele (meaning Noble) “Arwen” (Noble Maiden). In some cases I have added meaningless letters to “Elvish-ize” the names, the most common being “dh” and “th” (Cuguwen [Dove Maiden] doesn’t sound quite Elvish, but Cugedhiel does).

What is an example of a child elf?

Official examples include Mystralath, Floshem, Caphaxath, Xistrith, Ofandrus and Netyoive. Because of the elves’ long lives, elves before the age of 100 are considered children. These elves also have a child name before being given their adult name when they come of age.


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