What is the example of final consonant?

What is the example of final consonant?

A group of letters, usually two or three that make their own sound at the end of the word is termed as a final consonant blend. Examples of the final consonant blend are mask, lamp, sand, cold, golf, tent, bird and park.

What are the words with final consonant blends?

Final Consonant Blend Word Lists
“-sk” blends mask, task, risk, desk, disk, tusk
“-ld” blends cold, told, fold, mold, gold, sold
“-nd” blends sand, wand, pond, send, tend, find
“-nk” blends skunk, sink, think, thank, tank, dunk

What are examples of consonant clusters?

A consonant cluster is 2, 3 or 4 consonant sounds in a row. Examples of consonants clusters with 2 consonant sounds are /bl/ in ‘black’, /sk/ in ‘desk’ and the /pt/ at the end of ‘helped’. Examples of clusters with 3 consonant sounds are /str/ in ‘string’, /sks/ in ‘tasks’ and the /kst/ in ‘sixty’.

What are three consonant clusters?

We see from Figure 2 that all allowable three-consonant clusters are s-clusters, i.e. the initial consonant is /s/. Further, there are only six three-consonant clusters: /spl/, /spr/, /str/, /sfr/, /skr/ and /skw/.

Is nd a consonant cluster?

Skill: final consonant blends: –st, –sk, –sp, –nd, –nt, –nk, –mp, –rd, –ld, –lp, –rk, –lt, –lf, –pt, –ft, –ct. Initial consonant blends (beginning) and final (ending) consonant blends appear throughout these lessons.

What are the five consonant clusters?

Since the r sound is such a difficult sound for many non-native English speakers, today we’re going to focus on five of the twelve consonant clusters that include the r sound: b-r, k-r, g-r, p-r, and s-k-r. All of these clusters include a transition from a stop sound into the r sound.

How many S clusters are there?


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