What is the example of subject complement?

What is the example of subject complement?

Common examples are to be, to become, to appear, to feel, to look, to smell, and to taste.) A subject complement is either an adjective, a noun, or a pronoun.

What is object complement example?

An object complement (also called an objective complement) follows a direct object. It may be a word or phrase that gives further meaning to the direct object. An object complement can be a noun, pronoun, or adjective. Object Complement Examples: He made her happy.

What is an object complement in sentence pattern?

Object complement – an adjective/adjective phrase or noun/noun phrase that completes the idea of the verb and modifies or renames the direct object. Subject complement – the nominal or adjectival that follows a linking verb, renaming or describing the subject.

What is the difference between subject complement and direct object?

Subject complement and direct object are two grammatical elements of a sentence, which follow the main verb of the sentence. The key difference between subject complement and direct object is that subject complement follows a linking verb whereas direct object follows a transitive verb.

What is difference object and complement?

Summary – Object vs Complement The key difference between object and complement is that an object is a noun or noun equivalent denoting the goal or result of the action of a verb whereas complement is a noun, phrase or clause that adds additional information about the subject or object.

How do you identify object complement in a sentence?

Starts here3:11object complements – YouTubeYouTube

How do you find the object complement?

An objective complement is a noun or adjective that completes the meaning of the verb and modifies, names, or renames the direct object. Since these modify, name, or rename direct objects, you’ll only find them in sentences that have direct objects. (That also means the sentence will have a transitive active verb.)

What is the difference between a direct object and a subject complement?

The key difference between subject complement and direct object is that subject complement follows a linking verb whereas direct object follows a transitive verb. It is important to note that a subject complement and a direct object cannot occur in the same sentence.

What is an example of a subject complement?

A subject complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb and describes or identifies the subject. (Note: A linking verb is a verb used to link a subject to the new identity or description. Common examples are to be, to become, to appear, to feel, to look, to smell, and to taste.)

What is a subject complement sentence?

Subject complement. In grammar, a subject complement is a predicative expression that follows a linking verb and that complements the subject of the sentence by either renaming it or describing it. In the former case, a renaming noun phrase such as a noun or pronoun is called a predicative nominal.

What is an example of an object complement?

An objective complement can be a noun or an adjective which follows the direct object renaming or modifying it. It is used with verbs like make, name, call, choose, elect, and appoint. It is not set off with commas as an appositive is. Example: I call my dog Badger.


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