What is the fastest logic gate?

What is the fastest logic gate?

Emitter-coupled-logic (ECL)
Emitter-coupled-logic (ECL) is a BJT logic family that is generally considered the fastest logic available. ECL achieves its high-speed operation by employing a relatively small voltage swing and preventing the transistors from entering the saturation region.

What are universal gates?

A universal gate is a gate which can implement any Boolean function without need to use any other gate type. The NAND and NOR gates are universal gates.

Which gate is used as basic comparator?

XNOR gate
Note: An XNOR gate is a basic comparator, because its output is “1” only if its two input bits are equal.

Which logic family is fastest?

Emitter-coupled logic (ECL)
Emitter-coupled logic (ECL) is a BJT-based logic family which is generally considered as the fastest logic available.

What are basic gates why are they called so?

Logic gates are the circuits which can have one or more inputs but only one output. These are based on a certain logic. Hence, these are called logic gates. As per their logic, they are named as AND, OR, NOT, etc.

Why NOR gate is called universal logic gate?

Answer: The NAND & NOR gates are called universal gates because they perform all the logical operations of basis gates like AND, OR, NOT. Answer: NOR AS AND An AND gate gives a 1 output when both inputs are 1; a NOR gate gives a 1 output only when both inputs are 0.

What is meant by a logic gate?

A logic gate is a device performing a Boolean logic operation on one or more binary inputs and then outputs a single binary output. Computers perform more than simple Boolean logic operations on input data, and they typically output more than a single binary digit.

Why do so many logicians refer to Leibniz?

Referring to Leibniz was a common place in the initial period of development of modern mathematical logic. Obviously, the early logicians saw some of their ideas represented in Leibniz, and in addition they had access to at least some of Leibniz’s writings that could lend support to this claim.

What is a logical gate?

Logic gates are small digital electronic devices that perform a Boolean function with two inputs and provide an output. The data are the binary ones. Logical 1 is true or high, and logical 0 falls to false or low. Based on the logical gate, the logical operation differs, and the output varies.

What are the limitations of logic gates?

Although Logic gates are of high popularity, there are certain limitations: For a more complex system or circuit design, logic gate realization isn’t possible as it might be confusing to place them correctly and connect them. Circuits employing logic gate implementation consume more energy than acceptable.

What are LogLogic gates and how are they used?

Logic gates are the essentials for the designing of digital circuits. Some of them are described as follows: In the design of the combinational circuits called Demultiplexers, Multiplexers, and other digital circuits, these gates are used.


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