What is the fimbria fornix?

What is the fimbria fornix?

The fornix originates in the hippocampus, where it emerges from a collection of fibers called the fimbria. It then stretches up and around the thalamus toward the front of the brain. When it reaches a tract called the anterior commissure, it branches downward.

What is fimbria hippocampi?

fim·bri·a hip·po·cam·’pi. [TA] a narrow sharp-edged crest of white fiber matter, continuous with the alveus hippocampi, attached to the medial border of the hippocampus; composed of efferent fibers of the hippocampus that form the fornix, fibers of the hippocampal commissure, and septohippocampal fibers.

What is the role of fornix?

Function. Being the main output tract of the hippocampus, the primary role of the fornix is to transmit the information from the hippocampus to the mammillary bodies and to the anterior nuclei of thalamus.

What does hippocampus look like?

The hippocampus is a curved-shaped structure in the temporal lobe associated with learning and memory. The name being derived from the Greek words for ‘sea monster’ but is more commonly recognizable for being shaped like a seahorse.

What helps the hippocampus?

Treating Hippocampus Damage (Helping the Brain Repair Itself)

  • Exercise. Exercise, particularly aerobic exercise, is one of the best ways to boost BDNF levels and improve hippocampal function.
  • Stimulate Your Brain. Keeping your brain stimulated can also increase hippocampus function.
  • Change Your Diet.

Is the fimbria part of the basal forebrain?

The fimbria/fornix bundle from the basal forebrain to the ipsilateral hippocampus is one major exception. Transection of the rat fimbria/fornix and the response of the basal forebrain medial septal neurons to such axotomy was first described by Daitz and Powell in 1954 (20).

What is the role of the fimbria in a brain transplant?

The aspirative fimbria/ fornix transection not only deafferented the hippocampus, providing an “empty” place for the transplant to sprout, but also provided a cavity within the fimbria/fornix wide enough to contain a piece of embryonic tissue.

What is the difference between the fimbria and the crura?

The main bulk of fimbria continues on each side of the cerebral hemisphere further anteriorly to form the crus of the fornix. Both crura (in the left and right hemispheres) continues anteriorly and merge to form a midline part of the fornix called the body of the fornix (which belong to both the right and left hemispheres).

Do fimbria-fornix lesions impair win-stay learning?

Furthermore, as described in Figure 5, fimbria-fornix lesions did not just impair win-stay learning, they actually improved it so that the performance of the lesioned rats was better than that of normal controls.


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