What is the formula of wurtzite?

What is the formula of wurtzite?

Category Sulfide mineral
Formula (repeating unit) (Zn,Fe)S
Strunz classification 2.CB.45
Dana classification

What is wurtzite structure of ZnO?

The wurtzite structure of ZnO can be considered to be composed of two interpenetrating hexagonal close packed (hcp) sublattices of cation (Zn) and anion (O) displaced by the length of cation-anion bond in the c-direction . The lattice constant of the ZnO hexagonal unit cell are a=3.2500 Å and c=5.2060 Å.

What is crystal structure of wurtzite ZNS?

Wurtzite has a hexagonal structure, while zincblende is cubic. It is characterized by single bonds between each atom and maintenance of a 1:1 zinc to sulfur ratio. Therefore, four sulfur atoms surround each zinc atom and four zinc atoms surround each sulfur atom.

Is wurtzite an FCC?

Zincblende/sphalerite is based on a fcc lattice of anions whereas wurtzite is derived from an hcp array of anions. To recap, zincblende is best thought of as a face-centered cubic array of anions cations occupying one half of the tetrahedral holes. Each ion is 4-coordinate and has local tetrahedral geometry.

What is the difference between zinc blende and wurtzite?

Zinc blende and wurtzite are two forms of zinc sulfide. However, the key difference between zinc blende and wurtzite is that zinc blend is cubic, whereas wurtzite has a hexagonal structure. Further, the density of zinc blende is higher than wurtzite.

What does wurtzite mean?

Definition of wurtzite : a brownish black mineral ZnS that consists of zinc sulfide in hemimorphic hexagonal crystals or a fibrous state and that is polymorphous with sphalerite.

Is wurtzite a hcp?

The wurtzite structure may be considered as an hcp structure with a basis of two atoms. In the wurtzite structure, the atoms are also arranged with tetrahedral symmetry, that is, an atom has four 1NN atoms of another kind and twelve 2NN atoms of the same kind.

Is wurtzite a piezoelectric?

The wurtzite-type piezoelectric materials, especially AlN, have another advantage that these can be used in high-temperature environments, e.g., as sensors in automobile engines, because their noncentrosymmetric structures are stable even at high temperatures.

Is NaCl BCC or FCC?

Structural Information

NaCl Vital Statistics
Formula NaCl
Cystal System Cubic
Lattice Type Face-Centered
Space Group Fm3m, No. 225

What is the Bravais lattice of ZnS?

The Bravais lattice of ZnS is a face-centred cube. The crystal structure of ZnS is considered as the interpenetration of two FCC sub-lattices along the body diagonal such that the origin of one sub-lattice is at a distance of 1/4th the body diagonal from the origin along the body diagonal.

Why only a half of the tetrahedral interstitial positions are occupied by zn2+?

(c) Only one-half of the tetrahedral positions will be occupied because there are two tetrahedral sites per anion, and yet only one cation per anion.

What is the crystal structure of wurtzite?

Its crystal structure is called the wurtzite crystal structure, to which it lends its name. This structure is a member of the hexagonal crystal system and consists of tetrahedrally coordinated zinc and sulfur atoms that are stacked in an ABABABABAB pattern.

What is the shape of a winwurtzite?

Wurtzite structure has basic hexagonal symmetry. It can be considered as being formed by the penetration of two hcp lattices (see Fig. 1.32 ). The two hcp lattices have the same axis ( a3 –axis) but one of them is displaced with respect to the other.

What is the lattice constant of wurtzite Gan?

Wurtzite GaN has a molecular weight of 83.728. At room temperature, its lattice parameters a0 =3.1892±0.0009 Å and c0 =5.1850±0.0005 Å. However, for the zinc-blende polytype the calculated lattice constant based on measured Ga–N bond distance in wurtzite GaN is a =4.503 Å.

What are the unit cell parameters of wurtzite?

The unit cell parameters of wurtzite are (-2H polytype): a = b = 3.82 Å = 382 pm c = 6.26 Å = 626 pm V = 79.11 Å 3 Z = 2


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