What is the French word for numbers?

What is the French word for numbers?

This is the foundation for all other numbers: un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix, onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze. Memorize the numbers for the multiples of ten: vingt, trente, quarante, cinquante, soixante, soixante-dix, quatre-vingt, quatre-vingt-dix.

How do you say 1000000 in French?

So while “one million” in English is 1,000,000, in French it’s 1.000. 000. Alternately, un million can also be written 1 000 000, where the periods are replaced by single spaces. What would you do with un million de dollars or deux virgule deux millions d’euros?

How do you say 4 digit numbers in French?

When talking about numbers in between hundreds, you do not need to pluralize the number or use et for 101, 201, etc.: 151 = cent-cinquante-un, 299 = deux-cent-quatre-vingt-dix-neuf….Compound Numbers.

English French Approx. Pronunciation
two deux (duh)
three trois (trwah)
four quatre (katr)
five cinq (sank)

How do you count to 31 in French?

Twenty-two is vingt-deux, thirty-four is trente-quatre, and sixty-seven is soixante-sept….Numbers in French: 21-69.

Number In French Pronunciation
29 vingt-neuf van nuhf
30 trente tront
31 trente et un tront ay uh
32 trente-deux tront duh

How do you spell numbers in French?

French numbers are always invariable in their spelling, except: round number 80 → quatre-vingts (with a final S) number 100 when it is multiplied and not followed by another digit: 700 = 7×100 → sept cents (with a final S)

How to count to 100 in French?

When talking about larger numbers in French, just follow the same formula. For numbers above 100, say the hundreds digit first, then the ones and then the tens. For example, 151 would be cent cinquante un (“a hundred, fifty, one”).

What is the pronunciation of French numbers?

Pronunciation Notes. The consonants at the end of the French numbers cinq, six, huit, and dix are pronounced when at the end of a sentence or in front of a vowel. However, they drop the final sound when followed by a word beginning with a consonant (such as cent, fois, mois, or livres).

What are the French numbers?

The French for eighty is quatre-vingts. Numbers 81-99 consist of quatre-vingt- (minus the -s) plus a number 1-19: 81 = quatre-vingt-un, 82 = quatre-vingt-deux, 90 = quatre-vingt-dix, 91 = quatre-vingt-onze etc.


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