What is the fuel burn for a Cessna 182?

What is the fuel burn for a Cessna 182?

about 14 gallons per hour
The Cessna 182 burns about 14 gallons per hour with Avgas typically costing about $6 per gallon, hourly fuel costs for the Piper PA-28 run between $84 per hour.

What is the takeoff speed of a Cessna 182?

Cessna 182 – Performance Data

Horsepower: 230 Gross Weight: 2550 lbs
Cruise Speed: 135 kts Fuel Capacity: 55 gal
Stall Speed (dirty): 54 kts Range: 443 nm
Takeoff Landing
Ground Roll: 620 ft Ground Roll 610 ft

How much does a Cessna 182 cost new?

The new 182 will be available in next year’s second quarter at a base price of $515,000, replacing the avgas-burning Turbo 182, production of which will end once the NXT hits the market.

How far can a Cessna 182 go?

1,053 mi
Cessna 182 Skylane/Range

How far can a small plane go on a tank of gas?

Small planes can get anywhere from 500 nautical miles to upwards of 1500 nautical miles depending on fuel load and optional tank configuration. But the middle of that range seems to be the average. I have found that range is more dependent on how long you can sit in the plane not now much gas you can carry.

When did the Cessna R182 Skylane RG come out?

Cessna introduced the R182 Skylane RG in 1978, making almost 600 of them that year. The total run, including the turbocharged version, would reach 2032 through 1986, when a mere nine were built before Cessna took a powder from the single-engine market.

Which is better Cessna 201 or R182?

It found the R182 had the better climb rate and more dexterity getting into and out of a variety of airports. The Cessna hauled more, both in weight and volume, and was a little faster than the sleek 201, but of course at 20 to 40 percent more gallons per hour.

What problems did Cessna Skylane have in 1983?

A new muffler for better cabin heating, especially in the rear seats, addressed another Skylane complaint. In 1983, Cessna replaced the amber “gear up” light, which stayed on if the gear did not lock down, with a red “gear in transit” light, which stayed on whenever the gear motor was running.

When did Cessna change the flaps on its planes?

In 1983, Cessna beefed up the flaps further so they can be lowered to 20 degrees at up to 120 knots. The wing root ventilators were redesigned in 1980, but they are known for getting loose with age, spraying water into the cockpit in rain and popping open all by themselves. Duct tape over the wing inlets is the standard field solution.



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