What is the function of HIV-1 protease in an HIV-1 infection Why is it essential to the virus?

What is the function of HIV-1 protease in an HIV-1 infection Why is it essential to the virus?

HIV-1-Protease (HIV-Pr) HIV-pr is an essential enzyme of HIV replication, and is a vital target for drug design strategies to fight AIDS. It cleaves the Gag and Gag-Pol polyproteins to generate the mature infectious virions capable of CD4+ cells infections (Fun et al., 2012).

Is HIV-1 genetic?

HIV-1 is characterized by extensive genetic diversity. Mutational escape results in a remarkable degree of viral diversity within HIV-1 and in its adaptation to both immune activity and antiretroviral therapy.

What is the role of the nef gene in HIV?

Nef is an early protein produced in HIV-1 infection that has been linked to increased pathogenicity. Nef protein downregulates CD4 receptor expression on the cell surface of infected T cells, thereby enhancing release of virions and thus infectivity of other cells.

Where does HIV protease cleave?

HIV protease is an aspartyl proteinase responsible for cleaving the Gag and Gag-Pol polyproteins in a late stage of the viral life cycle. Because there is no corresponding aspartyl protease that cleaves the Gag polyprotein in mammalian cells, HIV protease has been a popular target for antiretroviral drug development.

What does protease do in the lungs?

Proteases play an important role in health and disease of the lung. In the normal lungs, proteases maintain their homeostatic functions that regulate processes like its regeneration and repair. Dysregulation of proteases–antiproteases balance is crucial in the manifestation of different types of lung diseases.

What does the pol gene code for?

Pol gene products are critical for the synthesis and integration of viral DNA into the host genome and the generation of capsid proteins. Pol gene products include the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase, an integrase, and the late-phase protease.

Is HIV 1 the same as HIV 2?

HIV can be divided into two major types, HIV type 1 (HIV-1) and HIV type 2 (HIV-2). HIV-1 is related to viruses found in chimpanzees and gorillas living in western Africa, while HIV-2 viruses are related to viruses found in the endangered west African primate sooty mangabey.

What are the symptoms of HIV 1?

Other people do not feel sick at all during this stage, which is also known as acute HIV infection. Early infection is defined as HIV infection in the past six months (recent) and includes acute (very recent) infections. Flu-like symptoms can include: Fever. Chills. Rash. Night sweats. Muscle aches.

What are the side effects of protease inhibitors?

Liver failure

  • Sun sensitivity
  • Severe skin reactions
  • Reactivation of HBV infection ( hepatitis B virus)
  • What activates protease enzyme?

    A common method to avoid unwanted protease activity is to activate the enzyme from an inactive precursor called a zymogen . The precursor is often called a proenyzme. Limited but regulated proteolysis of the proenzyme by either a different protease or by autoproteolysis leads to activation of the proteolytic activity of the zymogen.


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