What is the Greek word for holy ghost?

What is the Greek word for holy ghost?

Paraclete (Greek: παράκλητος, Latin: paracletus) means advocate or helper. In Christianity, the term “paraclete” most commonly refers to the Holy Spirit.

What is the Greek word for spirit of God?

He is God’s Spirit. The Greek word for Spirit is pneuma (Strongs 4151), which has a similar meaning to the word ruach. “Pneuma; to breathe, blow, primarily denotes the wind. Breath; the spirit which, like the wind, is invisible, immaterial, and powerful” (The Complete Word Study New Testament, “Pneuma”).

What is the Greek word of mind?

nous, (Greek: “mind” or “intellect”) in philosophy, the faculty of intellectual apprehension and of intuitive thought. It is sometimes identified with the highest or divine intellect.

Is Paraclete a Greek word?

The Holy Spirit—because He is, after all, Christ’s Spirit—is also a paraclete, a helper. Literally, the Greek word paraklētos means “someone who is called to come alongside someone else.” In Greek culture, a paraclete was like a family attorney.

What does soul mean in Greek?

Relation to Greek “psyche” In the New Testament, the Greek word traditionally translated “soul” (ψυχή) “psyche”, has substantially the same meaning as the Hebrew, without reference to an immortal soul. In the Greek Septuagent psyche is used to translate each instance of nephesh.

What is the Greek word for breath of God?

Pneuma (πνεῦμα) is an ancient Greek word for “breath”, and in a religious context for “spirit” or “soul”.

What is the breath of God called?

Ruach is the Hebrew word used in scripture for the breath of God. It is wind, Spirit, life. It’s not so much a physical force but an essence—God’s essence that sustains life. God, may your Holy Spirit guide, comfort, sustain, and empower the Body of Christ to be carriers of your Life during this time.

Is there a Greek god of light?

AETHER (Aither) – Greek Primordial God of Light & the Heavenly Ether.

What is the Greek name for intelligence?

Phronesis (Ancient Greek: φρόνησῐς, romanized: phrónēsis), translated into English by terms such as prudence, practical virtue and practical wisdom is an ancient Greek word for a type of wisdom or intelligence relevant to practical action.


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