What is the growth Machine what does Harvey Molotch mean by growth?

What is the growth Machine what does Harvey Molotch mean by growth?

Growth Machine. The city as a growth machine. This interpretation, originally proposed by Harvey Molotch two decades ago, focuses attention on the role of elites and entrepreneurs in creating the growth of a city. Growth and development are seen as necessary for the economic health of the city.

What is the urban growth Machine Molotch 1976?

According to Molotch (1976) , the city as a growth machine was defined by commodification of land and the increase of land value by intensifying land use, such as bringing hospitals, schools, residential and commercial buildings to generate urban growth.

What is growth machine theory?

At its core, growth machine theory posits that exchange value prevails over use value. Exchange value is the economic return investors and owners make in the real estate market. In general, urban redevelopment and growth intensifies land use and rents for capitalists.

What is growth coalition?

An association made between business leaders, elected officials, government officers, and other elites in order to promote the pro-business growth of a city, usually by luring outside investment in direct competition with other cities.

What is urban regime theory?

Urban regime theories seek to explain relationships among elected officials and those individuals who influence their decisions. Corporate regimes or development regimes promote growth and normally reflect the interests of a city’s major corporations while neglecting the interests of poor, distressed areas of a city.

What is a growth coalition?

The growth-coalition hypothesis leads to certain expectations about the relationship between power structures and local government. Rather obviously, the primary role of government is to promote growth according to this view.

What is local growth coalition?

The growth coalition is the most over-represented group on local city councils, as numerous studies show (Logan & Molotch, 1987). It also is well represented on planning commissions, zoning boards, water boards, and parking authorities, which are the decision-making bodies of greatest importance to it.

What is a non regime city?

Without a stable and long-lasting partnership of public and private resource providers, haphazard governance characterizes nonregime cities, with issue-based coalitions placed in the untenable position of attempting to govern.

Why are coalitions formed?

Although persons and groups form coalitions for many and varied reasons, the most common purpose is to combat a common threat or to take advantage of a certain opportunity, resulting in the often temporary nature of coalitions.

What is the opposite of coalition?

Antonyms: antagonism, discord, disunion, divorce, enmity, hostility, schism, secession, separation, war. Synonyms: alliance, compact, confederacy, confederation, federation, fusion, league, partnership, union.

How did Molotch contribute to urban theory?

Molotch helped reverse the course of urban theory by pointing out that land parcels were not empty fields awaiting human action, but were associated with specific interests—commercial, sentimental, and psychological. Especially important in shaping cities were the real estate interests of those whose properties gain value when growth takes place.

What is Molotch best known for?

Molotch is probably best known for his book Urban Fortunes (1987, with John Logan), which won him the Award for Distinguished Contribution to Sociological Scholarship by the American Sociological Association in 1990. Urban Fortunes builds on Molotch’s 1976 classic paper, “The City as a Growth Machine.”

What did Harvey Luskin Molotch do?

Harvey Luskin Molotch (born January 3, 1940) is an American sociologist known for studies that have reconceptualized power relations in interaction, the mass media, and the city. He helped create the field of environmental sociology and has advanced qualitative methods in the social sciences.


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