What is the impact factor of CMAJ?

What is the impact factor of CMAJ?

Canadian Medical Association Journal/Impact Factor

Is Cmaj a scholarly journal?

CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) is a peer-reviewed general medical journal that publishes original clinical research, commentaries, analyses, and reviews of clinical topics, health news, clinical practice updates and thought-provoking editorials. Best health.

How do I submit to Cmaj?

All manuscripts must be submitted on ScholarOne, our online submission system. To submit a letter, see Submitting a Letter to the Editor. Scientific articles should conform to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals.

Can J Med?

Canadian Journal of Medicine (CJM) is an open-access and peer-reviewed journal available in print and online published by the Canadian Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD). CJM considers papers for publication in any aspect of experimental medicine and clinical research.

Is Cmaj open peer reviewed?

CMAJ Open is committed to an open peer review system, in which reviewer comments, author responses and previous versions are available along with the final published version.

WHO publishes Cmaj?

Canadian Medical Association (Canada)
Canadian Medical Association Journal

Publication details
History 1911–present
Publisher Canadian Medical Association (Canada)
Frequency 18/year
Open access Immediate free access

Where can I publish my medical opinion pieces?

Here are five publications that accept a diverse range of health-and-healthcare-oriented submissions:

  • Annals of Internal Medicine.
  • The British Medical Journal.
  • Health Affairs.
  • Journal of the American Medical Association.
  • AMWA Journal.

Can Med Assoc J full form?

The abbreviation of the journal title “Canadian Medical Association journal” is “Can. Med. Assoc. J.”.

Is Cmaj open access?

CMAJ Open is an online open-access journal that publishes high-quality medical research without the need for authors to demonstrate high impact. The journal also publishes a mix of research, news, reviews, analyses, practice and humanities articles online and in print.

What is the impact factor quartile of CMAJ?

The Impact Factor Quartile of CMAJ is Q1 . The Impact Factor (IF) or Journal Impact Factor (JIF) of an academic journal is a scientometric index that reflects the yearly average number of citations that recent articles published in a given journal received.

Can I reproduce a previously published table or figure in CMAJ?

If your article contains a previously published table or figure, you must obtain written permission from the copyright holder (usually the publisher) to reproduce the material in CMAJ ‘s print and online editions. In most cases, you must do this even if the article, table or figure is your own work.

What is CMAJ’s policy on randomized controlled trials?

Registration: In common with other major medical journals, CMAJ asks that reports of randomized controlled trials adhere to CONSORT guidelines and requires treatment trials to be registered in a clinical trials registry if patient recruitment began on or after July 1, 2005.

What is opencmaj open?

CMAJ Open also publishes some types or research which CMAJ does not publish or only rarely publishes (e.g. case series, protocols, quality improvement studies, and others). Background: This should include a clear statement of the study aim and research question.


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