What is the importance of Fordism?

What is the importance of Fordism?

Fordism is “the eponymous manufacturing system designed to spew out standardized, low-cost goods and afford its workers decent enough wages to buy them.” It has also been described as “a model of economic expansion and technological progress based on mass production: the manufacture of standardized products in huge …

When was the Fordist period?

Fordism refers to the system of mass production and consumption characteristic of highly developed economies during the 1940s-1960s. Under Fordism, mass consumption combined with mass production to produce sustained economic growth and widespread material advancement.

When was Fordism founded?

Henry Ford helped popularize the first meaning in the 1920s, and Fordism came to signify modernity in general.

What impact has Fordism had on humanity?

However, the consequences of Fordism extended well beyond the factory walls; it reshaped the spatial and demographic configuration of cities; it ignited bouts of economic development, industrial concentration, and social conflict.

Is Fordism relevant today?

Fordism is probably still expanding. Mass production of standardised goods on assembly lines is probably becoming more, not less, widespread. The “pre-Fordist” service industries are becoming more “Fordist” rather than “post-Fordist”.

Was Fordism successful?

After World War I, however, Henry Ford invented the mass production system (now known as Fordism). The mass production system inspired by Ford and Taylor was responsible for the extraordinary success of the U.S. motor vehicle companies up to 1955.

What is Fordism theory?

In present-day economic theory Fordism refers to a way of economic life developed around the mass production of consumer goods, using assembly-line techniques. A few large companies came to dominate the key sectors of the economy, they dictated the market, and dictated what consumers would be offered.

What is neo Fordist?

Is the term used to describe an approach to work organization that is essentially Fordist, but has been adapted to incorporate a greater degree of flexibility.

How did workers respond to Fordism?

The Fordist use of single purpose machinery meant that skilled workers were not a necessity and so reduced the complexity of production flexible (Kumar, 1995). This kept the workers happy and was guided by the principle that high wages equalled high production, which in turn meant higher profits.

What is a post-Fordist city?

It is still a city with firm expectations about where people fit in the social order. Assumptions are in place about the racial and ethnic pecking order, about gender roles etc., The Post-Fordist city might look something like this: It is becoming a decentred galactic metropolis of sub-centres and enclaves.

What is Fordism in the 20th century?

Fordism. Fordism, a specific stage of economic development in the 20th century. Fordism is a term widely used to describe (1) the system of mass production that was pioneered in the early 20th century by the Ford Motor Company or (2) the typical postwar mode of economic growth and its associated political and social order in advanced capitalism.

What does post Fordism mean?

Post-Fordism. The term post-Fordism is used to describe both a relatively durable form of economic organization that happened to emerge after Fordism and a new form of economic organization that actually resolves the crisis tendencies of Fordism. In neither case does the term as such have any real positive content.

What is fordfordism and why is it important?

Fordism is a key concept in the theories of the Regulation school, often in contrast to post-Fordism, and the term is also used in Western Marxist thought.

What is Fordism in labour and Monopoly Capital?

Braverman’s Labour and Monopoly Capital Abstract. Fordism refers to the system of mass production and consumption characteristic of highly developed economies during the 1940s-1960s. Under Fordism, mass consumption combined with mass production to produce sustained economic growth and widespread material advancement.



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