What is the Italian Santa called?

What is the Italian Santa called?

Babbo Natale
Italy is famous for their big Christmas spread for the whole family to enjoy. Italian children call Santa Claus ‘Babbo Natale’. He is becoming more popular in Italy for gift giving on Christmas Day but La Befana, the old woman who delivers gifts on Epiphany on 6th January, is still more common.

What is the Christmas tradition in Italy?

One old Italian custom is that children go out Carol singing and playing songs on shepherds pipes, wearing shepherds sandals and hats. On Christmas Eve, it’s common that no meat (and also sometimes no dairy) is eaten. Often a light seafood meal is eaten and then people go to the Midnight Mass service.

Do Italians celebrate Christmas and La Befana?

The tradition of La Befana, who arrives on the Epiphany, plays a big part in Italian Christmas celebrations. The holiday also marks the end of Christmas and New Year’s festivities in Italy, after which children go back to school, adults go back to work, and the Christmas decorations come down.

What are Santa Claus other names?

Santa Claus also has some other names: Saint Nicholas, St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Pelznickel. Two of his names — Santa Claus and Saint Nicholas — both come from the Dutch who settled in New York long ago. The Dutch believed Saint Nikolaas gave gifts to children.

What is Natale Christmas in Italy?

DECEMBER 25: Natale Christmas is referred to as Natale (meaning birthday in Italian). According to the most authentic Italian tradition, the gifts for the children brought Christmas Eve are brought by Gesu’ Bambino (Baby Jesus); Santa Claus is a recent new addition that is taking place as well, but it’s not the original Italian one.

Is there an Italian Santa Claus?

The Story of Befana, The Italian Santa Claus. Italy is a historically Catholic culture with many holidays, traditions and beliefs coming from biblical and religious roots. They celebrate many more national holidays from the Christian religion than some other countries and therefore have more traditions for the holidays.

Who brings presents to children on Christmas Eve in Italy?

Nowadays, ‘Babbo Natale’, the Father Christmas, brings presents to children on Christmas eve. Babbo Natale, the Italian Santa Claus But as in true Italian style, gifts are exchanged only on January 6 that is the day of Epiphany. Then ‘la befana’, an old lady, comes in search to the houses for search of the Christ Child.

When do Italians decorate Christmas trees?

2. 8th December is a public holiday in Italy marking the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and the day on which Italians traditionally decorate their Christmas trees and their Nativity scenes. 3. Decorated pine trees are newcomers to Christmas in Italy though.


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