What is the keyboard shortcut for sleep?

What is the keyboard shortcut for sleep?

Instead of creating a shortcut, here’s an easier way to put your computer into sleep mode: Press Windows key + X, followed by U, then S to sleep.

How do you do an em dash on a Mac?

Mac operating systems all have the same shortcut for the em dash, which makes the process quick and simple. Press Option + Shift + Minus (that’s -, the key right next to 0 at the top of your keyboard). The em dash will appear immediately.

How do I sleep my Mac with Windows keyboard?

Sleep shortcut for MacOS on a Windows Keyboard

  1. Press the power button for 1.5 seconds.
  2. Option–Command–Power button.
  3. Option–Command–Media Eject button.
  4. Control–Power button (will ask what you want – not for use with a touch bar)
  5. Control–Media Eject button (will ask what you want)

What is Ctrl Alt M on Mac?

When using Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, or Drawings you can insert feedback comments by using the keyboard shortcut Control Alt M. (Command Option M on a Mac.) This is much faster than other methods to insert feedback comments, and as teachers, we need every second we can get.

How do I put the command prompt to sleep?

How to Sleep Windows 10 pc using cmd

  1. Go Windows 10 or 7 search box.
  2. Type CMD.
  3. As it appears click its icon to run the command prompt.
  4. Now, copy-paste this command – rundll32.exe powrprof.dll, SetSuspendState Sleep.
  5. Hit the Enter key.
  6. This will immediately put your PC or laptop into Sleep mode.

How do you do a long dash on keyboard?


  1. For an em-dash, hold down the Alt key and type 0151, then release the Alt key. That’s it!
  2. For an en-dash, hold down the Alt key and type 0150, then release the Alt key. Pretty simple, right?

How do I type a long dash?

Fortunately, there are three easy methods:

  1. Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+-.
  2. Hold down the [Alt] key and type 0151 on the numeric keypad.
  3. Choose Symbol from the Insert menu, click the Special Characters tab, highlight the em dash, and click Insert.

How do I make my Mac sleep with an external keyboard?

Instead, to quickly sleep your Mac just hold down Command + Option + Eject for about two seconds, and the computer will immediately enter sleep. This works well when you’re using a USB or external bluetooth keyboard with a MacBook Air or Pro, or the wireless keyboard that comes with an iMac or Mac Mini.

What does Ctrl Shift M do?

Ctrl-Shift-M Merge data from a file to the current file.

What is the function of Ctrl M?

In Microsoft Word and other word processor programs, pressing Ctrl + M indents the paragraph. If you press this keyboard shortcut more than once, it continues to indent further. For example, you could hold down the Ctrl and press M three times to indent the paragraph by three units.

How to put a MacBook Air to sleep with keyboard?

Sleep shortcut for MacOS on a Windows Keyboard. With every keyboard that comes with a Mac, has the option to put your Mac to sleep with a simple keyboard shortcut. The most common methods for putting your Mac to sleep are (reference): Press the power button for 1.5 seconds. Option–Command–Power button.

What are the keyboard shortcuts for sleep screen on Mac?

They map to the original mac shortcuts for sleep screen and sleep computer. Currently it is ctrl + option + command + button prior to 1 on keyboard ( grave_accent_and_tilde) Other is ctrl + option you know the rest.

How do you type an en dash on a Mac keyboard?

To type an en dash, hold down the Option key and press the Minus key. Many symbols are available through keyboard shortcuts. Press Option-G for a copyright symbol, Option-R for a registered symbol or Option 2 for a trademark symbol. Apple publishes an extensive list of Mac keyboard shortcuts. Open a word processing program such as TextEdit.

How to turn off sleep mode on MacBook Air?

🙂 Press the power button, then S. The power button displays the Sleep/Restart/Shutdown dialog. If you then press S the Mac will sleep. Keyboard shortcut is Option + Cmd + Eject (the Eject key is at your keyboard upper right corner).


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