What is the Linux equivalent of Active Directory?

What is the Linux equivalent of Active Directory?

FreeIPA is the Active Directory equivalent in the Linux world. It is a Identity Management package that bundles OpenLDAP, Kerberos, DNS, NTP, and a certificate authority together. You could replicate it by implementing each one of those separately, but FreeIPA is easy to setup.

Does Linux have domain controller?

With the help of Samba, it is possible to set up your Linux server as a Domain Controller. That piece is an interactive Samba tool that helps you configure your /etc/smb. conf file for its role in serving as a Domain Controller.

Can I add Ubuntu to Active Directory?

Ubuntu 20.10 can join an Active directory Domain during the initial setup. If you need to join an Active directory domain after the initial setup, the process is really simplified through the usage of the sssd and realmd packages as long as you have all the necessary per-requistes in place.

Does Active Directory work on any OS?

How does Active Directory work? The main Active Directory service is Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), which is part of the Windows Server operating system. Desktops, laptops and other devices running Windows (rather than Windows Server) can be part of an Active Directory environment but they do not run AD DS.

How do I join Ubuntu Linux in Active Directory domain?

In this article

  1. Prerequisites.
  2. Create and connect to an Ubuntu Linux VM.
  3. Configure the hosts file.
  4. Install required packages.
  5. Configure Network Time Protocol (NTP)
  6. Join VM to the managed domain.
  7. Update the SSSD configuration.
  8. Configure user account and group settings.

Can Ubuntu join a Windows domain?

Using Likewise Open’s handy GUI tool (that also comes with an equally hand command line version) you can quickly and easily connect a Linux machine to a Windows domain. An already running Ubuntu installation (I prefer 10.04, but 9.10 should work fine).

Does Google use Active Directory?

The service uses “actual Microsoft AD” that Google manages for organizations, hosting it on the Google Cloud Platform. It also uses “real Microsoft AD Domain Controllers.” Google is touting its Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory as being supported by a multiple-region datacenter infrastructure.

FreeIPA is the Active Directory equivalent in the Linux world. It is a Identity Management package that bundles OpenLDAP , Kerberos , DNS, NTP, and a certificate authority together.

Can I add Linux computers to Active Directory?

Microsoft’s Active Directory (AD) is the go-to directory service for many organizations. If you and your team are responsible for a mixed Windows and Linux environment, then you probably would like to centralize authentication for both platforms. I’ll cover how to add Linux computers to an Active Directory domain.

What is an Active Directory Server?

An account in AD that has the privileges necessary to join a system to the domain. A Linux server (a CentOS 7 server was used for this demonstration).

What is the best LDAP server for Linux?

There’s also a wide range of commercially supported LDAP servers for Linux, like Red Hat Directory Server. RHDS (like 389 Server, which is the free version of RHDS) has a nice Java GUI for management of the directory. It does neither Kerberos nor policies though.


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