What is the main message of the movie John Q?

What is the main message of the movie John Q?

The author explores the public perception of current U. S. health care, the distinction between medical care and health, and the ethics of health care decisions. Key Words: Health care, health insurance, medical ethics, film criticism.

Is John Q realistic?

was based on a true story, it’s kind of a yes and no answer. In short, the filmmakers did not base the movie on an event that actually happened. There was no real-life John Q.

Why was the transplant not covered in John Q?

The film tells the story of John Quincy Archibald (Denzel Washington), a father and husband whose son is diagnosed with an enlarged heart and who finds out he is unable to receive a transplant because HMO insurance will not cover it, before he decides to hold up the hospital and force them to do it.

Is John Q possible?

The Philadelphia Inquirer examines the realism of “John Q.” According to the Inquirer , although the situation is “highly unlikely,” some people could encounter a “real-life dilemma similar” to that of the film’s main character. According to the Times , health care experts say that “a real life John Q.

What is the ethical dilemma in John Q movie?

Another major ethical issue presented in the movie is the issue of justice, the fair distribution of resources to the population. Because John Q and his family do not have enough money to pay for the surgery, the hospital requires the Archibalds to make a cash payment.

What is legal moral dilemma that the two law enforcement agents face while dealing with John Q?

What is legal dilemma that the two law enforcement agents face while dealing with John Q? In the movie, John Q has to decide whether he will let his son die by not getting a heart transplant for him or do everything in his power, including harming himself or others, to get his son a new heart.

Why is John Q for Sasha?

Sasha was born with a heart defect and underwent substantial surgery; Cassavetes’ film John Q. was dedicated to Sasha, and his later adaptation of My Sister’s Keeper was based in part on Sasha’s medical experience.

How much would the average heart transplant cost today?

Consulting firm Milliman tallies the average costs of different organ transplants in the U.S. And while most are expensive—some are very expensive. A kidney transplant runs just over $400,000. The cost for the average heart transplant, on the other hand, can approach $1.4 million.

Where does John Q work?

The film stars Denzel Washington as John Q. Archibald, a Chicago factory worker whose apparently healthy son collapses during a Little League game.

What is a complex ethical dilemma?

An ethical dilemma is a situation or problem facing an individual that involves complex and often conflicting principles of ethical behavior. Ethical dilemmas. Situations in which there is a choice to be made between two options, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion.

What does it mean when something is ethical?

1 : involving questions of right and wrong behavior : relating to ethics ethical [=moral] principles/standards ethical theories/problems. 2 : following accepted rules of behavior : morally right and good Some doctors feel that this procedure is not medically ethical.

What ethical dilemma did John Q face?

~John Archibald, the protagonist of the movie, faces many ethical dilemmas throughout the entire movie. Firstly, he is forced to rationalize whether it would be ethically moral for himself to do what he needed to do in order for him to succeed in getting his son the heart he needs.

Why is there no funding available for John Q’s transplant?

So, in the case of John Q, although the family is insured, there is no funding for the transplant because the insurer has excluded it as a covered service. After that fact emerges, the father then explores coverage by government programs and possible donation of services by the hospital.

What is the basis of John Q’s lack of power?

This is the basis of John Q’s lack of power: he is the victim of an economic setting where he is simply not able to function as the purchaser of the needed services because that role has been assigned to his employer.

What happens to John Q at the end of the book?

In the end, the near-sacrifice of John Q’s life and the apparent threat to other lives—coupled with administration’s eventual willingness to put the son on the transplant list—create an improbable resolution that permits the boy’s survival.


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