What is the major cause of disease chikungunya?

What is the major cause of disease chikungunya?

Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. It is caused by the chikungunya virus (CHIKV). A CHIKV infection causes fever and severe joint pain.

What are 3 symptoms of chikungunya fever?

The most common symptoms are fever and joint pain. Other symptoms may include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling, or rash. Chikungunya disease does not often result in death, but the symptoms can be severe and disabling. Most patients feel better within a week.

Which organ is affected by chikungunya?

In this model, at the early stage of the disease, the organs targeted for CHIKV replication were lymphoid tissues, liver, CNS, joints, and muscle, and the persistence of CHIKV could be found later in the lymphoid organs, liver, joints, and muscle, macrophages being the main reservoir for persistent CHIKV infection.

Where was chikungunya found?

Chikungunya fever is endemic in Africa, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, Pacific Region and most probably in the (sub) tropical regions of the Americas. Chikungunya fever has caused numerous epidemics in Africa and Asia.

Who is at risk of chikungunya?

Persons at risk for severe disease include neonates exposed intrapartum, older adults (e.g., > 65 years), and persons with underlying medical conditions (e.g., hypertension, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease).

How long does the chikungunya virus last?

Most people recover fully, with symptoms resolving in three to 10 days. For some people, joint pain may continue for months, or even years. Death from complications of chikungunya is very rare, but the virus sometimes causes severe problems, mostly in older adults with other chronic illnesses.

Which food is good for chikungunya?


  • Coconut water. “Coconut water detoxifies the body, in case one is suffering from chikungunya fever.
  • Green leafy vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are the healthiest option to add to any diet.
  • Soup.
  • Papaya leaf extract.
  • Herbs.
  • Foods rich in Vitamin C.
  • Giloy juice.
  • Barley.

What is the best medicine for chikungunya?

There are no specific drugs to treat chikungunya; doctors simply recommend rest and plenty of fluids. Over-the-counter medications will help ease fever and joint pain….Treatment

  • naproxen.
  • ibuprofen.
  • acetaminophen.

Can you get chikungunya twice?

Can you get chikungunya twice? No, only once; then protective antibodies are developed. According to the evidence available to date, there should be life-long immunity.

Can you get dengue twice?

A patient can get dengue from two or more different strains of dengue. Hence a patient can suffer from dengue more than once. When Dengue Strikes Twice: When patients are infected with the dengue virus they can come down with dengue hemorrhagic fever and suffer massive internal bleeding and liver damage.

Which medicine is best for chikungunya?

Which food eat in chikungunya?

¿Qué es la enfermedad chikungunya?

Fiebre CHIKUNGUNYA. La Fiebre Chikungunya (CHIK) es una enfermedad viral producida por un RNA virus del género de los alfavirus, el virus chikungunya. El nombre es de origen kimakonde (“kungunyala”) y significa enfermedad del hombre encorvado o retorcido, debido al fuerte dolor articular que caracteriza a la enfermedad.

¿Qué casos de muerte por chikungunya son raros?

Los casos de muerte por chikungunya son muy raros y casi siempre están relacionados con otros problemas de salud existentes. Las madres que tienen chikungunya durante el embarazo no transmiten el virus a sus bebes.

¿Qué métodos se pueden utilizar para diagnosticar chikungunya?

Medios de diagnóstico. Hay varios métodos que se pueden utilizar para diagnosticar la infección por virus chikungunya. Las pruebas serológicas, como el enzimoinmunoanálisis de adsorción (ELISA), pueden confirmar la presencia de anticuerpos IgM e IgG contra este virus.

¿Cómo evoluciona la fiebre chikungunya?

No obstante, a diferencia del dengue, la fiebre chikungunya raramente evoluciona hasta poner en riesgo la vida del enfermo. Se han descrito casos ocasionales de complicaciones oculares, neurológicas y cardiacas de la infección por virus chikungunya, así como molestias gastrointestinales.


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