What is the meaning of post issue capital?

What is the meaning of post issue capital?

“Post issue paid up capital” refers to the paid up share capital of the Company after issuance of shares being discussed. For example if the paid up share capital of a company is INR 100,000, and Mr. X’s investment shall be INR 1,30,000.

What is face value in economics?

Face value is a financial term used to describe the nominal or dollar value of a security, as stated by its issuer. For stocks, the face value is the original cost of the stock, as listed on the certificate. For bonds, it is the amount paid to the holder at maturity, typically in $1,000 denominations.

Is Issue price the same as face value?

The face value, also known as the par value, is the nominal value of the shares. The issue price or the price band are the face value of the shares with an added premium that the company decides to ask from potential subscribers.

What do you mean by post issue?

… year-end prior to the year of issue is considered as the pre-issue year and the year-end of the issue-year is considered as the post-issue year.

Why is it called face value?

Face value can be used to refer to the apparent value of something other than a financial instrument, such as a concept or plan. In this context, “face value” refers to the apparent merits of the idea, before the concept or plan has been tested.

What is difference between IPO and face value?

The face value, also known as par value, is the fixed price of the particular share decided by the company to come out with an Initial Public Offering (IPO). The issue price, also called price band, is the stock’s face value plus the premium that a company demands to charge from its investors.

What is the use of face value?

Face value is used to calculate the accounting value of a company’s stock for a company’s balance sheet. So, it is essential to remember that the face value has no relation to the prevailing stock price. The importance of face value in stock market is for legal and accounting reasons.

What is paid capital and share capital?

Key Takeaways. The difference between called-up share capital and paid-up share capital is that investors have already paid in full for paid-up capital. The amount of share capital shareholders owe, but have not paid, is referred to as called-up capital.

What is issued capital 12?

Issued Capital: This is part of authorized capital which is offered to public for subscription. It cannot exceed authorized capital. Called Up Capital: It is the amount of nominal value of shares that has been called up by the company for payment by the subscriber towards the share.

What does face value mean in finance?

In finance, face value refers to the dollar value of a financial instrument when it is issued. The face value of a bond is the price that the issuer pays at the time of maturity, also referred to as “par value.” By comparison, the face value of a stock is the price set by the issuer when the stock is first issued.

What is the face value of stock shares?

Face Value and Stock Shares. The cumulative face value of the entirety of a company’s stock shares designates the legal capital a corporation is obligated to maintain. Only the above-and-beyond capital may be released to investors, in the form of dividends.

What is face value of a bond or preferred stock?

When it comes to bonds and preferred stock, however, face value represents the amount that must be repaid at maturity. Corporate bonds usually carry a $1,000 face value, municipal bonds usually carry a $5,000 face value, and government bonds usually carry a $10,000 face value, though these amounts can vary widely.

What is the post equity capital of Infosys after IPO?

For eg. if infosys is coming to IPO and wants to raise some 200 crores and the current equity capital is 500 crores (say) then post equity capital is 700 crores if infosys is able to raise all 200 cr from public issue. this what i know . i may not be corect also.


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