What is the MHRA in dentistry?

What is the MHRA in dentistry?

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) – the UK’s regulator for medical devices and medicines – has six ongoing investigations involving the purchase of counterfeit and unapproved dental equipment such as high-speed hand piece drills from auction websites by UK dentists.

Who is the head of the MHRA?

Dr June Raine
Dr June Raine has been appointed as the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) new Chief Executive, having been the interim CEO since 2019.

What does the acronym MHRA mean?

the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency ( MHRA ), the UK’s regulator of medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion, responsible for ensuring their safety, quality and effectiveness.

What is MHRA and EMA?

In the UK, two agencies license drugs. They are the: European Medicines Agency (EMA) for a Europe-wide licence, under the European Commission laws. Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for a UK licence.

Are dental aligners medical devices?

This classification places clear aligners in the same classification category in the EU as traditional bracket and wire braces, reinforcing that clear aligner orthodontic appliances are indeed medical devices.

Does MDR apply in UK?

In Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland), devices must conform to the UK MDR 2002, the EU MDR (until 30 June 2023), or the EU IVDR (until 30 June 2023) in order to be registered with the MHRA .

Does MHRA cover Scotland?

In the Scottish context, Health Facilities Scotland (HFS) assists the MHRA in providing technical and operational support to the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorate and NHSScotland. The Health Innovation Assessment Portal (HIAP) is managed by NHS National Procurement.

What does pom stand for in medication?

Prescription-only medicine
Prescription-only medicine ( POM ) to pharmacy ( P ) medicine. A medicine will be non-prescription unless it fulfils the criteria for prescription control as set out below.

What is PMDA in Japan?

PMDA (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency) is Japanese regulatory agency, working together with Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Our obligation is to protect the public health by assuring safety, efficacy and quality of pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Is MHRA a competent authority?

The MHRA is the Competent Authority in the UK. The Competent Authority is a body with authority to act on behalf of the government of the member state to ensure that the requirements of the Medical Device Directives are transposed into National Law and are applied.

Is the UK a member of the EMA?

As of 1 February 2020, no one representing, appointed by or nominated by the UK can participate in any EMA scientific-committee or working-party meetings, or in the Agency’s Management Board. This is because the UK stopped participating in EU institutions after it left the EU on 31 January 2020.

Is MHRA part of EMA?

One of the key questions for the pharmaceutical industry has been how the responsibility of licencing decisions will be transferred from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to the MHRA (The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency). Yesterday, the MHRA announced their plans for this transition.

How do I set up a company meeting with the MHRA?

On the form you should include: number of company staff expected to attend (note that for a meeting with the MHRA Division of Vigilance and Risk Management of Medicines (VRMM) the company attendees should be limited to 4) A mutually-agreed date will then be set.

What does vrvrmm Division do?

VRMM Division is also responsible for renewal of authorisations, changes in legal classification and advertising of medicines, and for assessment of studies relating to the development of paediatric medicines.

Who is vrmm’s interim director Sarah Branch?

Dr Sarah Branch has been appointed interim Director of Vigilance and Risk Management of Medicines (VRMM). Sarah has been the Deputy Director and Head of Operations in VRMM for 6 years and took over as Director on 23 September 2019, following Dr June Raine’s appointment as the Agency’s interim Chief Executive.

What is the difference between advadvice and MHRA’s answers?

Advice can’t be taken as indicative of any future agreed position. MHRA ’s answers are based on the submitted questions and documentation and cannot account for future changes and developments in scientific knowledge or regulatory requirements. The questions you ask MHRA have to be as precise and clear as possible.


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