What is the population of NC by county?

What is the population of NC by county?

Below are the 100 North Carolina counties sorted by population from 1 to 100 ….Looking for a list of cities, counties or zips in North Carolina?

Rank County Population
2 Mecklenburg County 1,115,482
3 Guilford County 541,299
4 Forsyth County 382,590
5 Cumberland County 334,728

What was the most populated county in 2010?

Los Angeles

Rank County April 1, 2010 census
1 Los Angeles 9,818,605
2 Cook 5,194,675
3 Harris 4,092,459

What is the population of North Carolina according to the 2010 census?


Population, Census, April 1, 2010 9,535,483
Age and Sex
Persons under 5 years, percent  5.8%
Persons under 18 years, percent  21.9%

What is the largest populated county in NC?

Wake County
RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) — It’s official: Wake County is the most populous county in the state. Numbers released by the Census Bureau on Thursday, from the 2020 headcount, show Wake County with 1,129,420 million people — 13,928 more than second-place Mecklenburg County.

What is North Carolina’s population NC gov?

North Carolina Population Trends

Years 1790 2010
Population 393751 9535688

What is the most populated county?

Los Angeles County
The 25 largest counties in the United States in 2019, by population (in millions)

County Resident population in million
Los Angeles County, California 10.04
Cook County, Illinois 5.15
Harris County, Texas 4.71
Maricopa County, Arizona 4.49

What is the estimated population of North Carolina?

10.49 million
As on 2019, population of North Carolina is 10.49 million compared to 10.3 million in 2018 with the smallest population change of 1.08. According to U.S. 2020 Census Results, NC population in 2020 is 10,439,388.

What County in NC has the smallest population?

Tyrrell County
Tyrrell County remains the least populous county in North Carolina and five smallest counties are the same as in 2010, with some shuffling between Jones and Camden: Tyrrell: 3,245.

What are the demographics of North Carolina?

North Carolina Demographics. The ratio of females to males in the state is about 51.4% females to 48.6% males. The racial diversity in North Carolina’s population is split between 69.2% Caucasians, 21.5% African Americans, 3% other races, 2.6% Asians, 2.4% two or more races, and 1.2% Native North Americans .

What is the population of North Carolina?

10,453,950 in 2020

What are the census records?

Census records are a collection of statistics and information gathered by the United States Census Bureau and some states about people, households, communities, industries, businesses and geography. Some of these records are accessible to the general public. Census records are the most frequently viewed public records in the United States.



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