What is the postcode for benowa?

What is the postcode for benowa?

Benowa/Postal codes

What area is postcode 4217?


Postcode Suburb Category
4217 CHEVRON ISLAND, QLD Delivery Area
4217 GOLD COAST MC, QLD Delivery Area
4217 ISLE OF CAPRI, QLD Delivery Area
4217 MAIN BEACH, QLD Delivery Area

What is state code for Gold Coast?

Gold Coast Area Codes, Australia

Country Town/City Area Code
Australia Gold Coast +61 7

What is the postcode for Labrador?

Labrador/Postal codes

What is the postcode for Benowa Queensland?

Benowa, Queensland (Gold Coast) Postcode: 4217. Latitude: -28.006. Longitude: 153.387. Locality: Gold Coast. State: Queensland (capital: Brisbane – 70km away)

Where is Benowa Waters on the Gold Coast?

It is also is also the home of the Gold Coast City’s Regional Botanic Gardens. Cabana Blvd and Sir Bruce Small Boulevards are now in Benowa Waters, the “vanity” suburb of Benowa. All homes south of Ashmore Road, are regarded as being part of Benowa Waters.

What is Benowa known for?

Today Benowa’s services include the Benowa Gardens Shopping Centre, Pindara Private Hospital, the Royal Pines Resort Golf Course and three schools (public and private). It is also is also the home of the Gold Coast City’s Regional Botanic Gardens. Cabana Blvd and Sir Bruce Small Boulevards are now in Benowa Waters, the “vanity” suburb of Benowa.

What is the history of the Benowa post office?

The location was known as Nerang Creek, now the section of the Nerang river running along Cabana Blvd and Sir Bruce Small Boulevard. 1866 Marked the opening of the post office and saw the first sale of land within the Benowa township.


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