What is the postcode for Kewarra Beach?

What is the postcode for Kewarra Beach?

Kewarra Beach/Postal codes

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What postcode is 4879?


Postcode Suburb Category
4879 KEWARRA BEACH, QLD Delivery Area

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What is the postal code for Kewarra Beach Queensland?

Kewarra Beach, Queensland. Postcode: 4879. Latitude: -16.783. Longitude: 145.684. Locality: North Queensland. State: Queensland (capital: Brisbane – 1,407km away) Nearest Urban Centre: Cairns, QLD (17km away) Area Code: 07 (+61 7 from overseas)

Why choose Kewarra Beach Resort Cairns?

At Kewarra Beach Resort & Spa you will enjoy private beachfront or rainforest accommodation in a beautiful tranquil environment that reflects the very essence of tropical Australia. Kewarra Beach Resort Cairns is the only private beach resort of this kind within easy reach of Cairns, Palm Cove and Port Douglas.

Where are the best beaches in Cairns?

Find the secluded and quiet Kewarra Beach just 20 minutes drive north of the Cairns Central Business District. This beach is a favourite among locals to walk their dogs or to fish directly from the beach. Throughout the cooler months, the beachfront Kewarra Beach Resort serves pizza, tapas and drinks on the sand several nights of the week.


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