What is the purpose of Chapter 26 in To Kill a Mockingbird?

What is the purpose of Chapter 26 in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Lesson Summary Important in conveying Scout’s growing sense of morality, Chapter 26 of To Kill a Mockingbird shows the third-grader trying to understand puzzling aspects of her life. Although Scout wants to meet Boo Radley, Atticus does not want her to because Boo’s brother Nathan might shoot her.

What secret was Atticus known all along in chapters 25 26?

Apparently, Atticus has known all along about the night Jem lost in his pants on the Radley’s fence, but he never felt the need to say anything about it.

What does Atticus reveal Chapter 26?

Scout walks by the Radley house alone now, and though she isn’t scared of it and regrets tormenting Boo, she still wants to see him one day. Atticus warns her not to bother Boo and reveals that he knew about their little excursion into the Radley lot all along; he says they were lucky Nathan Radley missed.

What theme do the events of chapter 26 connect to and why?

The purpose for chapter 26 is to explain how the people of Maycomb are hypocritical, and that Jem is still having trouble dealing with the racism all around them. Chapter 26 describes Scout’s third grade teacher Miss Gates and a lesson in current events.

Why did Jem gain weight?

Why is Jem trying to gain weight? How? Jem is trying to gain weight by eating bananas and milk. He needs to gain 25 pounds in two years to play football.

What are two things the reader learns about Atticus’s character in these chapters 24 26?

Atticus’s actions reveal his integrity and courage. He could have allowed someone else to break the difficult news to Helen Robinson, but he took on the responsibility himself. He also demonstrated his compassion and sympathy during the visit and tried his best to console Helen about the death of her husband.

Why does Scout’s question upset Jem in Chapter 26?

Scout asks Jem about Miss Gates’ lesson on Hitler. This really upsets Jem. Jem does not ever want to hear about the court case again. This might be because Jem is frustrated that Tom went to jail and was killed.

What quotation does Scout cite in Chapter 26 when her teacher asks for the definition of democracy?

What quotation does Scout cite in Ch 26 when her teacher asks for the definition of Democracy? “Equal rights for all; special privileges for none.”

What kind of government does Miss Gates say Germany operates under in Chapter 26?

Miss Gates gives the class a quick lesson on democracy and insists that Germany is a dictatorship, unlike the U.S. Because the U.S. is a democracy, nobody is persecuted because nobody is prejudiced.

What is a brief summary of “to kill a Mockingbird”?

To Kill a Mockingbird Summary. To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in Alabama during the Depression, and is narrated by the main character, a little girl named Jean Louise “Scout” Finch. Her father, Atticus Finch, is a lawyer with high moral standards.

How to kill a Mockingbird summary?

How To Kill a Mockingbird Summary is during the time period around the 1930s in the Southern United States. The story lasts for three years, during which the main characters undergo significant changes. Scout Finch’s family has her father Atticus and her brother Jem in the fictitious town of Maycomb , Alabama.

What is the movie to kill a Mockingbird?

To Kill a Mockingbird is the movie based on the Harper Lee novel of the same name about Scout, Jem and their father, Atticus Finch who is an attorney in a small southern town. It is both a coming of age story about the children as well as a hard-hitting drama, as Atticus defends a black man who is on trial for the rape of a white woman.


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