What is the radiometric resolution of Modis?

What is the radiometric resolution of Modis?

Technical Specifications

Orbit: 705 km, 10:30am descending node (Terra) or 1:30p.m. ascending node (Aqua), sun-synchronous, near-polar, circular
Spatial Resolution: 250m (bands 1-2) 500m (bands 3-7) 1000m (bands 8-36)
Data Rate: 10.6 Mbs/sec
Quantization: 12 bits
Field of View: 110 deg

What type of satellite is MODIS?

The MODIS is a 36-band imaging radiometer on the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites Terra, launched in December 1999, and Aqua, planned for launch by late 2001.

What is the spatial resolution of MODIS Terra product MOD09A1 )? *?


Shortname: MOD09A1
Instrument: MODIS
Processing Level: Level-3
Spatial Resolution: 500 m
Temporal Resolution: 8 day

What are the advantages of MODIS satellite?

In addition to multispectral imagery, MODIS has 44 standard data products enabled us to improve our understanding of global dynamics and processes occurring in the earth, oceans, and atmosphere, playing a major role in the development of predictive models of global climate change, monitoring of deforestation, forest …

Is MODIS sun synchronous?

The Aqua satellite with MODIS attached was launched May 4, 2002. The orbit is sun-synchronous, which means that the satellite passes over the same spot of the Earth at about the same local time everyday.

What is the radiometric resolution of Landsat 7?

Landsat sensor MSS (LS-1-5) ETM+ (LS-7)
Spatial resolution 80 m 15 m PAN 30 m VNIR/SWIR 60 m TIR
Radiometric resolution 6 bit 9 bit (8 bit transmitted)
Band-to-band registration 0.2 pixel (90%)
Geodetic accuracy without ground control 400 m (90%)

What does MODIS stand for?

Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
MODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is a key instrument aboard the Terra (originally known as EOS AM-1) and Aqua (originally known as EOS PM-1) satellites.

What is the radiometric resolution of Landsat 8?

Landsat 8 imagery has a radiometric resolution of 12-bits (16-bits when processed into Level-1 data products) compared to 8-bits for its predecessor.

What is a disadvantage of the MODIS sensor?

MODIS is an optical sensor, which has inherent limitations in observing sea ice and snow. Unlike a passive-microwave sensor, which can detect microwave energy through clouds, MODIS cannot observe the surface when cloud cover is present.

Is MODIS multispectral?

Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer sensor, also known as MODIS, is a key multispectral sensor that is flown aboard NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites. Both satellites view the Earth’s entire surface every one to two days at a moderate resolution (1/4 to 1 kilometer) (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, 2001).

What is the spectral resolution for MODIS in bands?

It has a viewing swath width of 2,330 km and views the entire surface of the Earth every one to two days. Its detectors measure 36 spectral bands and it acquires data at three spatial resolutions: 250 m, 500 m, and 1,000 m.

What is the radiometric resolution of GeoEye 1?

GeoEye-1 Satellite Sensor Specifications

Launch Date September 6, 2008
Resolution 0.50 m / 1.51 ft* panchromatic (nominal at Nadir) 1.84 m / 6.04 ft* multispectral (nominal at Nadir)
Spectral Range Panchromatic: 450 – 800 nm Blue: 450 – 510 nm Green: 510 – 580 nm Red: 655 – 690 nm Near Infra Red: 780 – 920 nm

What is the spatial resolution of the MODIS data?

The MODIS instruments acquire data in three native spatial resolutions: The higher level MODIS Land Products distributed from the LP DAAC are produced at four nominal spatial resolutions: 250 meter, 500 meter, 1000 meter, and 5600 meter (0.05 degrees).

How many spectral channels does MODIS have?

MODIS has 36 spectral channels, from 0.41 to 14.5μm, that is, from the near-UV through the visible to the infrared (IR) part of the spectrum. The MODIS is a 36-band imaging radiometer on the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites Terra, launched in December 1999, and Aqua, planned for launch by late 2001.

What is the sensitivity of MODIS?

The MODIS instrument provides high radiometric sensitivity (12 bit) in 36 spectral bands ranging in wavelength from 0.4 µm to 14.4 µm. The responses are custom tailored to the individual needs of the user community and provide exceptionally low out-of-band response.

What is the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer?

The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) The MODIS is a 36-band imaging radiometer on the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites Terra, launched in December 1999, and Aqua, planned for launch by late 2001. MODIS is much more complex than other radiometers used for SST measurement, but uses the same atmospheric windows.


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