What is the Reggio Emilia philosophy?

What is the Reggio Emilia philosophy?

The unique origin of the Reggio Emilia philosophy produced a very different and innovative approach to early childhood education. In its founding, Reggio Emilia was deeply woven into the fabric of the local government, community, and people.

What is the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education?

If you prefer a setting where the child is viewed as capable of steering and directing their own learning process, the Reggio Emilia approach might be a method you want to consider. 1  The Reggio Emilia approach is an early education or preschool philosophy that uses four key principles to focus on a child’s natural development.

What is the Reggio way of teaching?

Theory, influences and philosophy: The Reggio way. In developing the Reggio Emilia approach, educators in Reggio have actively sought, researched, discussed and analysed a wide range of ideas, opinions and theories of sociology, psychology and philosophy of education.

Can Reggio Emilia be replicated in the US?

Due to the unique nature of the Reggio Emilia community in Italy, and how tightly woven the approach is in the fabric of the local government, community, and people, it is difficult to exactly replicate this approach in the United States.

The Reggio Emilia philosophy believes in strong parent involvement in the classroom environment. Clear channels for the sharing of information, communication, cooperation and partnership with parents is vital. Parent involvement can be daunting for some teachers.

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Is the Reggio Emilia approach suitable for primary schools?

The Reggio Emilia approach is starting to filter through primary schools, especially in the early years, and I can see why! But, how is it possible to incorporate elements of this learning philosophy into a classroom with a strict curriculum to adhere to? It’s important to note that you don’t have to adopt the whole Reggio Emilia philosophy.

How did Reggio Emilia influence pinnacle preschool?

A little more than a decade ago, Pinnacle Presbyterian Preschool, in Scottsdale, Arizona, began implementing a program directly influenced by the schools of Reggio Emilia. Inspired by the writings of Lella Gandini, we began a fond relationship with the author and educator, inviting Gandini to visit our school with regularity.


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