What is the size of Chlamydomonas?

What is the size of Chlamydomonas?

. 10 μm
The Organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells are oval shaped, c. 10 μm in length and 3 μm in width, with two flagellae at their anterior end (Figure 1). The cells contain a single chloroplast occupying 40% of the cell volume and several mitochondria.

What is the size of chloroplast DNA?

The chloroplast genome (cpDNA) consists of homogeneous circular double-stranded DNA molecules of 110–200 kb size, containing between 30 to 50 different RNA genes and a number of protein-coding genes, which ranges from about 100 in land plants and green algae to 150–200 in nongreen algae (Sugiura 1995).

What is the shape of chloroplast in Chlamydomonas?

– Cup shaped
Chlamydomonas have cup – shaped chloroplasts. The correct answer is A- Cup shaped.

How many chloroplast does Chlamydomonas have?

Chlamydomonas cells are ∼10 μm in diameter, and about half of their volume is occupied by a single cup-shaped chloroplast (Figure 1A) (Sager and Palade, 1957; Gaffal et al., 1995). Different regions of the algal chloroplast are associated with specific functions.

Do Chlamydomonas have chloroplasts?

Is Chlamydomonas reinhardtii a plant?

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a single-cell green alga with two long flagella (structurally identical to cilia), which has long served as a model organism for basic research on cilia.

What is the chloroplast genome?

The chloroplast genome is a circular DNA containing some number of genes necessary for functioning of the chloroplasts and maintaining their structure. These DNA also contain the genes of ribosomal and transport RNA.

Where is the chloroplast genome located in chloroplast?

In primitive red algae, the chloroplast DNA nucleoids are clustered in the center of a chloroplast, while in green plants and green algae, the nucleoids are dispersed throughout the stroma.

What is the shape of chloroplasts?

Chloroplasts are a type of plastid—a round, oval, or disk-shaped body that is involved in the synthesis and storage of foodstuffs.

What is the shape of chloroplast in spirogyra and Chlamydomonas?

Chloroplast in Chlamydomonas is cup- shaped. It is one celled structure. Whereas stellate, spiral and collar shaped chloroplasts are present in Zygnema, Spirogyra and Ulothrix respectively.

Is Chlamydomonas Isogamous or Anisogamous?

The unicellular species Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is isogamous and one of the most basal species (Nozaki et al., 2000), whereas colonial and multicellular genera can be isogamous, anisogamous or oogamous (Mori et al., 2015).

Is Chlamydomonas reinhardtii haploid or diploid?

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is haploid, and has a nuclear genome comprising 17 chromosomes with a total size of 110 Mb, a 203 kb chloroplast genome and a 16 kb mitochondrial genome, with 14,000 protein-coding genes.

What is the reference proteome for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii?

The reference proteome for Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been derived from the genome sequence prepared by the JGI Chlamydomonas sequencing project ( www.phytozome.net/chlamy A). “Nucleotide diversity of the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii plastid genome: addressing the mutational-hazard hypothesis.”

What is the size of the nuclear genome of Charcot-Marie-reinhardtii?

The size of C. reinhardtii ’s nuclear genome is 120 MB, and they are haploid with 17 linear chromosomes. During states of nitrogen deprivation, C. reinhardtii is capable of changing from haploid to diploid [1] Considering C. reinhardtii is a very common model system, the amount of genetic data that is available is vast.

Why is Chlamydomonas reinhardtii used in photosynthesis?

It has been widely studied because of its adaptability to different environments and short generation time. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has the ability to use alternative carbon sources in the absence of light and has been the experimental material of choice for major studies in photosynthesis.


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