What is the solubility of KClO3?

What is the solubility of KClO3?

Potassium chlorate

Solubility in water 3.13 g/100 mL (0 °C) 4.46 g/100 mL (10 °C) 8.15 g/100 mL (25 °C) 13.21 g/100 mL (40 °C) 53.51 g/100 mL (100 °C) 183 g/100 g (190 °C) 2930 g/100 g (330 °C)
Solubility soluble in glycerol negligible in acetone and liquid ammonia
Solubility in glycerol 1 g/100 g (20 °C)

What is the solubility of KClO3 at 70 C?

According to the solubility curve, 100 g of water can hold up to 30 g of the KClO3 in the soluted state at 70 °C.

Which is more soluble KNO3 or nacl?

Sodium chloride will be more soluble in water since a greater amount of it can dissolve in 100 grams of water as compared to potassium nitrate.

What is the solubility of KClO3 at 25 C?

5. The solubility of KClO3 at 25°C is 10. g of solute per 100.

How do you find the solubility of a gas curve?

When reading a solubility curve, any curve with a downward (decay) trend would be identified as a gas. A upward (growth) trend would be identified as a salt.

Which substance on the solubility curve is the most soluble at 75 C?

Substance Solubility in 100g water
KClO3 at 65°C 20g
KCl at 75°C 50g
NH4Cl at 65°C 60g
HCl at 10°C 78g

What is the solubility of KCl at 60 C?

about 45 g/
Notice that the solubility curve shows that at 60∘C , potassium chloride has a solubility of about 45 g/100 g H2O . What that means is that at that temperature, you can only dissolve 45 g of potassium chloride per 100 g of water.

Which salt is most soluble?

Water Solubility of Common Salts

Ions Solubility of salts
chlorides (Cl-) and iodides (I-) most soluble
sulfates (SO4 2- ) most soluble
carbonates (CO3 2- ) most insoluble
hydroxide (OH-) most insoluble

Is NaNO3 or KNO3 more soluble?

NaNO3 because the higher line indicates that more NaNO3 can be dissolved. 3. The line marks the saturation point of a solute in 100 grams of water. The graph indicates that 104 grams of KNO3 will dissolve in 100 grams of water, so I only need 104/2 = 52 grams of KNO3 to make my solution.

Which salt is least soluble at 50 ºC?

Do I Know about Solubility Graphs?

What is the solubility of potassium nitrate, KNO3at 70 ºC?, about 132 g/100 mL water
At what temperature can 100 mL of water first dissolve 50 grams of potassium chloride?, about 80 ºC
Which compound is least soluble at 50 ºC?, NaCl (sodium chloride)


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