What is the specific GHS hazards for benzaldehyde?

What is the specific GHS hazards for benzaldehyde?

2.2 GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements Hazard statement(s) H227 Combustible liquid H302 + H312 Harmful if swallowed or in contact with skin H315 Causes skin irritation.

Is benzaldehyde bad for the environment?

Benzaldehyde can be carried as dust particles in the air and can be removed by rain and fallout. If released to soil or water, it is expected to biodegrade [Hazardous Substance Data Bank – HSDB].

What are 4 examples of chemical hazards?

Types of chemical hazard

Hazard Example
Pyrophorics White phosphorus
Carcinogens Benzene; feed-stock for many petrochemical processes
Reproductive toxins Lead, Dioxins
Irritants Hydrochloric acid; used in food manufacturing and ore processing

What are the hazards associated with chemicals?

Hazardous chemicals are substances that can cause adverse health effects such as poisoning, breathing problems, skin rashes, allergic reactions, allergic sensitisation, cancer, and other health problems from exposure. Many hazardous chemicals are also classified as dangerous goods.

Is benzaldehyde an aldehyde or ketone?

Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa). Benzaldehyde (C6H5CHO) is an organic compound consisting of a benzene ring with a formyl substituent. It is the simplest aromatic aldehyde and one of the most industrially useful.

What is benzaldehyde soluble in?

Benzaldehyde/Soluble in
Benzaldehyde is a colourless liquid with an odour of almond oil. It has a melting point of −26 °C (−14.8 °F) and a boiling point of 179 °C (354.2 °F). It is only slightly soluble in water and is completely soluble in ethanol and diethyl ether.

Is benzaldehyde harmful to humans?

* Benzaldehyde may cause mutations. Handle with extreme caution. * Breathing Benzaldehyde can irritate the nose and throat causing coughing and shortness of breath. * Contact can irritate the skin and eyes, and repeated exposure can cause a skin rash to develop.

What happens when benzaldehyde is exposed to the atmosphere?

Benzaldehyde readily undergoes autoxidation to form benzoic acid on exposure to air at room temperature. It is confirmed that benzyl alcohol (and a number of other alcohols), even at low concentrations in benzaldehyde, inhibits the autoxidation.

What are the 7 types of chemical hazards?

Types of Chemical Hazards in the Workplace

  • Asphyxiants.
  • Corrosives.
  • Irritants.
  • Sensitizers.
  • Carcinogens.
  • Mutagens.
  • Teratogens.
  • Reactive.

What are the 2 types of chemical hazards?

In the workplace, we find two types of chemical hazards: health hazards and physicochemical hazards.

What is a hazard explain types of hazards?

There are many definitions for hazard but the most common definition when talking about workplace health and safety is: A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone. Harm – physical injury or damage to health. Hazard – a potential source of harm to a worker.

What products contain benzaldehyde?

Benzaldehyde is mainly used as a food and flavoring additive and can be found in many foods, including baked goods, frozen dairy, fruit juice, soft candy, gelatin pudding, non-alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverages, hard candy, and chewing gum [Fenaroli, 2005].

What is the chemical name of benzaldehyde?

Benzaldehyde. Benzaldehyde (C 6 H 5 CHO) is an organic compound consisting of a benzene ring with a formyl substituent. It is the simplest aromatic aldehyde and one of the most industrially useful. It is a colorless liquid with a characteristic almond -like odor. The primary component of bitter almond oil,…

What does benzaldehyde smell like?

Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Benzaldehyde is an aromatic aldehyde bearing a single formyl group with an almond odor. Benzaldehyde is occasionally found as a volatile component of urine. BENZALDEHYDE is a clear colorless to yellow liquid with a bitter almond odor.

What are the long-term health effects of benzaldehyde exposure?

Higher levels can cause seizures and passing out. The following chronic (long-term) health effects can occur at some time after exposure to Benzaldehyde and can last for months or years: * Benzaldehyde may cause mutations (genetic changes). Whether or not it poses a cancer or reproductive hazard needs further study.

What are the hazards of benzoic acid?

Hazards. A nontoxic, combustible liquid, reacts with oxidizing reagents. BENZALDEHYDE must be blanketed with an inert gas at all times since it is oxidized readily by air to benzoic acid [Kirk-Othmer, 3rd ed., Vol. 3, 1978, p. 736]. In contact with strong acids or bases it will undergo an exothermic condensation reaction [Sax, 9th ed., 1996, p.


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