What is the stupidest question?

What is the stupidest question?

Dumbest questions ever asked

  • If animals could talk, which species would be the rudest of them all?
  • Would you rather own a horse the size of a cat or a cat the size of a horse?
  • Are there birds in Canada?
  • Should I tell my parents I’m adopted?
  • What happens if you paint your teeth white with nail polish?

What are some unanswerable questions?

Mind Blowing Questions

  • When did time begin?
  • Did we invent math or did we discover it?
  • Where does a thought go when it’s forgotten?
  • Do we have free will or is everything predestined?
  • Is there life after death?
  • Is it really possible to experience anything objectively?
  • What are dreams?
  • What is the goal of humanity?

Why do people say dumb question?

Used effectively, dumb questions lead to a deeper sense of reality, truth or purpose. They expand our capacity to see more clearly and inspire us to explore possibilities we would otherwise ignore. Above all they are interesting enough to encourage finding an answer.

What is a question with no answer called?

Rhetorical questions are said to make a point and not to get an answer. They are called rhetorical. They sound like questions, but they are questions where the answer is obvious or there is no obvious answer.

What is the deepest question to ask someone?

Deep Questions to Ask To Get to Know Someone

  • What would you change about yourself if you could?
  • What motivates you to work hard?
  • What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.)
  • What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve done lately?

What questions have no answers?

17 questions that are impossible to answer

  • If God exists and he (or she) revealed themselves, would people who believe in God actually accept God as God?
  • If the Universe was born at the Big Bang, what existed before then?
  • Why do cats purr?
  • What is the purpose of death?
  • Why do women go through menopause but men do not?


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