What is the subjunctive tense in Arabic?

What is the subjunctive tense in Arabic?

By default, present tense verbs take short /o/ (الضمة), and this case is called (المضارع المرفوع). However, there is another case which is called the subjunctive (المضارع المنصوب); in which verbs take short /a/ (الفتحة), and if the verb ends in one of suffixes (ون، ان، ين), the final (ن) is deleted.

What is Jussive tense in Arabic?

The Jussive Case in Arabic Posted by aziza on Oct 13, 2009 in Arabic Language. This case comes when the present tense verb is preceded by one of two particles: لم = ‘did not’ used to negate the past tense. لا = ‘do not’ expresses prohibition. لم أدرسْ اللغة العربية.

Is Jussive the same as imperative?

The jussive mood in modern Russian serves as an imperative (for issuing orders, commanding or requesting), but covers third person instead of second person.

What are the subjunctive conjugations for the verb Abrir?


ABRIR Present Subjunctive
…que tú abres abras
…que él/ella/Ud. abre abra
…que nosotros abrimos abramos
…que vosotros abrís abráis

How does conjugation work in Arabic?

In Arabic, verb conjugation is the process of how verbs are derived from a set of base letters (usually 3) and how they change in the different tenses to reflect gender, plurality, voice, and other aspects.

What is the conjugation of verbs in Arabic?

This conjugation requires the addition of prefixes and, in some cases, suffixes as well. Note:There are no infinitive forms of verbs in Arabic. Instead, typically the masculine third-person perfect form is used (ex. درس, to study, actually means “he studied”).

What is the subjunctive (المضارع المنصوب)?

However, there is another case which is called the subjunctive (المضارع المنصوب); in which verbs take short /a/ (الفتحة), and if the verb ends in one of suffixes (ون، ان، ين), the final (ن) is deleted. Present tense verbs are in this case if they are preceded by the following particles.

How do you negate past tense verbs in Arabic?

An affirmative past tense verb is negated simply by prefixing it with the particle ما. A simple past tense verb is rendered into the present perfect tense by prefixing it with the particle قَدْ. Similarly, rendering a verb into the past perfect tense is done by prefixing it with the verb كَانَ. There is an important point to note here.

How to render a verb into the past perfect tense in Arabic?

A simple past tense verb is rendered into the present perfect tense by prefixing it with the particle قَدْ. Similarly, rendering a verb into the past perfect tense is done by prefixing it with the verb كَانَ. There is an important point to note here. قد, like ما, is simply a particle and it always looks the same.


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