What is the synonym of combination?

What is the synonym of combination?

Synonyms & Antonyms of combination

  • admixture,
  • alloy,
  • amalgam,
  • amalgamation,
  • blend,
  • cocktail,
  • composite,
  • compound,

What is a combination of two words called?

portmanteau word, also called blend, a word that results from blending two or more words, or parts of words, such that the portmanteau word expresses some combination of the meaning of its parts.

What is the antonyms of combination?

combination. Antonyms: division, disunion, disruption, dissolution, dispersion, analysis, opposition, resistance, non-location, removal. Synonyms: union, association, consortment, concert, confederacy, alliance, league, coalition, cabal, synthesis, co-operation.

Is noun a synonym?

Just about every popular dictionary defines synonym as a term having “the same or nearly the same” meaning as another, but there is an important difference between “the same” and “nearly the same.” Noun synonyms sometimes mean exactly the same thing. A Dalmatian is a coach dog —same dog. A bureau is a chest of drawers.

What is an example of a blend?

Blending is one of the many ways new words are made in English. It refers to joining the beginning of one word and the end of another to make a new word with a new meaning. Smog, from smoke and fog, and brunch, from breakfast and lunch, are examples of blends.

What are blended words examples?


Blended word Root word 1 Root word 2
Breathalyzer breath analyzer
clash clap crash
docudrama documentary drama
electrocute electricity execute

How do you use combination in a sentence?

A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.

  1. Reading is taught using a combination of several methods.
  2. His character is a combination of wit and kindness.
  3. The two players together make a formidable combination.
  4. What an unusual combination of flavours!

What is the synonym of smart?

clever, bright, intelligent, sharp, sharp-witted, quick-witted, nimble-witted, shrewd, astute, acute, apt, able. well educated, well read. perceptive, percipient, discerning.

What do words mean combine?

Some common synonyms of combine are associate, connect, join, link, relate, and unite. While all these words mean “to bring or come together into some manner of union,” combine implies some merging or mingling with corresponding loss of identity of each unit.

What are examples of combination?

The definition of a combination is something created by joining or mixing two or more people or things together, or a series of numbers used to open a lock. An example of a combination is a classroom of both mental and physical learning activities. An example of a combination is a salad with veggies, nuts, seeds and fruit.

What is another word for combinations?

Another word for combination. noun. The state of being associated: affiliation, alliance, association, conjunction, connection, cooperation, partnership. See near. The result of combining: composite, compound, conjugation, unification, union, unity.

What is a synonym for combined?

Synonyms for Combined: adj. •collected (adjective) collective. adv •together (adverb) as one, concertedly. n. v. •co-acted (verb) united, co-acted, Concurred, synchronized, Cooperated, Coincided.


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