What is the synonym of titbit?

What is the synonym of titbit?

delicacy, tasty morsel, dainty, fancy, confection, bonne bouche, luxury, treat. snack, nibble, savoury, appetizer. Indian namkeen. informal goody, bite, little something. archaic sweetmeat.

What does the word titbit mean?

1 : a choice morsel of food. 2 : a choice or pleasing bit (as of information)

What is the synonym of balancing?

counterbalance, balance out, cancel, cancel out, offset, even out, even up, counteract, counterpoise, countervail, equalize, neutralize, nullify, compensate for, make up for.

What is a piece of information called?

The word usually used is simply datum. It is the singular of the word data and describes any single piece of information. It is true that nowadays, data is used as a singular word describing information. However, in the scientific world in particular, a datum is still widely used to reference a single entity.

What is the synonym of bit?

chunk, lump, hunk, slice. fragment, scrap, shred, flake, chip, shaving, paring, crumb, grain, fleck, speck. spot, drop, pinch, dash, soupçon, modicum, dollop. morsel, mouthful, spoonful, bite, taste, sample. iota, jot, tittle, whit, atom, particle, scintilla, mote, trace, touch, suggestion, hint, tinge.

Where does the saying titbit come from?

A: Americans may spell it “tidbit” because that’s how the term was pronounced when it first appeared in English in the 17th century as “tyd bit.” The Oxford English Dictionary suggests that the term may have originated as a combination of the adjective “tid” (playful, frolicsome, lively, etc.)

What is a tidbit of information called?

The definition of a tidbit is a small taste or morsel of something, such as food or information. A bite-sized appetizer you get to try is an example of a tidbit. A tiny little bit of information revealed about an exciting new product is an example of a tidbit of information. noun.

What is a synonym for stabilize?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for stabilized. balanced, equilibrated, stable, steady.

What is another term for checks and balances?

Counterbalance in a system of government. counterbalance. balance. counterpoise. counterweight.

Where does the word titbit come from?

Down darted his sharp beak and snatched the titbit from under the very points of the tines. The dogs keep me company, sitting with cocked ears waiting for a titbit. Tit, of Norse origin, is applied to various small animals, and occurs also as a prefix in titbit or tidbit.

What is the synonym of tidbit?

Words Related to tidbit. collop, medallion, noisette. nosh, snack. appetizer, canapé, hors d’oeuvre. bit, chew, crumb, dab, dribble, driblet, fleck, hint, mote, nubbin, particle, pinch, scrap, scruple, shred, smidgen (also smidgeon), snip, snippet, speck, spot, sprinkling, suspicion, tittle, touch, trace. dash, drop.

Where do the ladies have the best place and choicest titbit?

A quiver of minnows, fat of a spongy titbit, flash through the slits of his buttoned trouserfly. Thus aided, they are enabled to state that the ladies always have the best place and choicest titbit at the table. Down darted his sharp beak and snatched the titbit from under the very points of the tines.


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