What is the syntax of while loop in C++?

What is the syntax of while loop in C++?

while loop is executed once before the condition is checked. Its syntax is: do { // body of loop; } while (condition);

How do you write a while loop in C++ program?

C++ While Loop Example

  1. #include
  2. using namespace std;
  3. int main() {
  4. int i=1;
  5. while(i<=10)
  6. {
  7. cout<
  8. i++;

Which is correct syntax in C++?

1. Which of the following is the correct syntax of including a user defined header files in C++? Explanation: C++ uses double quotes to include a user-defined header file. The correct syntax of including user-defined is #include “userdefinedname”.

Do-While vs While loop C++?

A while loop in C programming repeatedly executes a target statement as long as a given condition is true. The syntax is like below….Output.

While Loop Do-While Loop
The while loop may run zero or more times Do-While may run more than one times but at least once.

How do you end a while loop in C++?

A while loop can also terminate when a break, goto, or return within the statement body is executed. Use continue to terminate the current iteration without exiting the while loop. continue passes control to the next iteration of the while loop. The termination condition is evaluated at the top of the loop.

What is do while loop in C program?

There is given the simple program of c language do while loop where we are printing the table of 1.

  • #include
  • int main(){
  • int i=1;
  • do{
  • printf(“%d \n”,i);
  • i++;
  • }while(i<=10);
  • return 0;

How does while loop work in C?

The C do while statement creates a structured loop that executes as long as a specified condition is true at the end of each pass through the loop. The syntax for a do while statement is: If the value of the expression is “false” (i.e., compares equal to zero) the loop is exited.

Which is correct syntax C++ Mcq?

Which is correct syntax? Explanation: myfile. open (“example. bin”, ios::out); is correct syntax.

What is while and do while loop?

While loop checks the condition first and then executes the statement(s), whereas do while loop will execute the statement(s) at least once, then the condition is checked. While loop is entry controlled loop whereas do while is exit controlled loop.

What is the difference between while and for loop?

The difference between for loop and while loop is that in for loop the number of iterations to be done is already known and is used to obtain a certain result whereas in while loop the command runs until a certain condition is reached and the statement is proved to be false.

How do you end a while statement?

To break out of a while loop, you can use the endloop, continue, resume, or return statement. endwhile; If the name is empty, the other statements are not executed in that pass through the loop, and the entire loop is closed.


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