What is the Triple Warmer meridian?

What is the Triple Warmer meridian?

Triple Warmer is the meridian that controls our fight, flight, or freeze response. According to Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine, the triple warmer impacts the immune system and our ability to manage stress. When it is activated, the body is on high alert.

Is the triple warmer yin or yang?

The triple warmer is a yang meridian that is paired with the yin pericardium meridian, which is known as the protector of the heart. It is also connected to the 4 back molars, or wisdom teeth, and much of the middle and lower vertebrae starting with the 9th thoracic vertebrae and ending with the coccyx.

What is Zang?

Zang organs: Zang (脏) refers to the five organs that are yin . Collectively, their primary purpose is to produce and store qi, xue (blood), Jinye (body fluids), Jing (essence), and shen (Spirit).

What is the San Jiao meridian?

However, it’s not a physical organ at all; it’s a mystery meridian called the San Jiao—the body’s most powerful energy pathway for metabolism function. The San Jiao is the only meridian that is not associated with a physical organ.

What is the triple burner in TCM?

The Chinese word “triple burner” translates to “three parts which burn or scorch.” The upper burner, located above the diaphragm, includes the heart and lungs. The middle burner includes the region above the naval and below the diaphragm encompassing the spleen and stomach.

What is the lower jiao?

The lower jiao is the area below the navel. In TCM, it contains the kidney and liver (functionally), urinary bladder, large intestine, small intestine, uterus, legs, and feet. Because the lower jiao discharges waste from the body, it is described as the “drainage” (渎 dú).

What are the six Zang organs?

Zang organs include the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, and spleen. While Fu organs include the gallbladder, large intestine, small intestine, urinary bladder, and the san jiao (the triple system).

What does San Jiao mean in Chinese?

the three burners
San Jiao is a concept that is to be found only in China. It describes more a function than an organ. San Jiao means ‘the three burners’. The topmost burner corresponds to the organs in the thorax, above the diaphragm, which is to say those concerned with breathing.

What are body meridians?

The simplest definition is that a meridian is an energetic highway in the human body. Meridians allow for the flow of energy, known as Qi (pronounced “chee”), to circulate throughout the body. Meridians exist in corresponding pairs and each meridian has multiple acupuncture points along the pathway.

How does the Triple Heater Meridian work?

The triple heater meridian is activated every time your horse feels under pressure or is stressed. It works alongside the ‘flight and fight’ response and comes alive when your horse’s heart is racing and your horse wants to get away as feels threatened, this could be from something as simple as a plastic bag taking flight in the wind.

What are the negative emotions associated with the triple warmer Meridian?

Negative emotions associated with the triple warmer meridian include despair, despondence, heaviness, hopelessness, solitude and exhaustion. To help release these emotions and balance the triple warmer meridian, spend some time relaxing.

How to sedate triple warmer Meridian?

Tap Triple Warmer Hand Point to Sedate Triple Warmer Meridian This exercise can calm anxiety and worry. On the backside of your hand, find the groove between the ring and pinky fingers; Tap into the groove while thinking of stress (You can also rest your flat hand on your heart and tap in the groove.).

What is the origin of the triple warmer Meridian?

The Triple Warmer Meridian originates from the tip of the ring finger, by the outside corner of the nail, passes between the knuckles of the fourth and fifth fingers, on to the wrist. From here it ascends between the two bones of the forearm (radius and ulna), through the tip of the elbow, and up the back of the arm to the shoulder.


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