What is the use of Nirgundi?

What is the use of Nirgundi?

Nirgundi has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-acne and anti-catarrhal properties. It is an effective muscle relaxant, helps treat skin disorders, improves digestion, controls menstrual cycle and also helps treat anxiety, asthma and insect bites.

When should I take Punarnava?

Punarnava can be taken along with milk or water or as suggested by the ayurvedic doctor or practitioner, to be taken twice a day on an empty stomach or an hour before the meal.

Does Punarnava increase blood pressure?

Punarnava It possesses significant antihypertensive properties that help keep high blood pressure in check. Moreover, it is a diuretic, which helps increase renal blood flow that further contributes to its antihypertensive actions.

What is the scientific name of giloy?

Tinospora cordifoliaHeart-leaved moonseed / Scientific name
17.3. 15 Tinospora cordifolia (Distribution: Indian Subcontinent, China; Family: Menispermaceae; Common Names: Guduchi, Moonseed, Giloy)

What is Nirgundi in Ayurveda?

Nirgundi, also called a five-leaved chaste tree, is a potent ayurvedic plant, that possesses noteworthy therapeutic properties and heals several ailments including asthma, muscle spasms and anxiety.

How do you take Nirgundi?

How to use Nirgundi

  1. Nirgundi Juice. a. Take Nirgundi leaf juice 10-20 ml or as directed by the physician. b. Consume it twice after meals. c. Repeat daily to get relief from cough.
  2. Nirgundi Powder. a. Take Nirgundi powder 3-6 g or directed by the physician. b. Consume it with lukewarm water. c.
  3. Nirgundi Capsules.

Is Rasna bad for health?

” Rasna drinks are perfect to replenish salts, vitamins and energy after physical exercise. ” Rasna is rich in glucose so a great source of energy for children and elderly. They should however be avoided by weight loss seekers and diabetics because of their high sugar content.

What is the botanical name of Rasna?

Pluchea lanceolata
Rasna – Pluchea lanceolata is a herb mentioned in Ayurveda for the treatment of pain, indigestion, gout, cough and general debility. Vanda roxburghii and Alpinia galanga is also taken as ‘Rasna’ in Bengal and South India respectively.

What is Rasna Pluchea lanceolata?

Rasna Pluchea lanceolata, Vanda roxburghii, Alpinia galanga Uses, Research Rasna – Pluchea lanceolata is a herb mentioned in Ayurveda for the treatment of pain, indigestion, gout, cough and general debility. Vanda roxburghii and Alpinia galanga is also taken as ‘Rasna’ in Bengal and South India respectively.

What is Pluchea lanceolata decoction used for?

The decoction prepared from the rhizome of Pluchea lanceolata is given in a dose of 30-40 ml to treat indigestion, abdominal pain and fever arising due to indigestion. The decoction acts like a blood purifier if consumed daily in a dose of 20-30 ml.

Is Pluchea lanceolata (DC) an anti-inflammatory?

Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern, (Family: Asteraceae) is a rapidly spreading perennial herb, considered valuable for the management of anti-inflammatory disease. Scientific reports dealing with phytochemical and pharmacological research and its traditional have been reviewed.

Are there any medicinal uses for Pluchea carolinensis?

The medicinal uses of P. carolinensis in southern Florida are similar to those reported elsewhere in the Caribbean and other Pluchea species [24].


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