What is the use of ProGibb?

What is the use of ProGibb?

ProGibb® Plant Growth Regulator is used in many crops to improve crop quality and value. In seedless table grapes, ProGibb enlarges the cluster, thins excessive fruit and increases berry size. In citrus, ProGibb maintains the quality of the rind, extending the harvest period.

How do you mix ProGibb?

If considering tank mixing ProGibb® 40% with other products use the following compatibility jar test before mixing a whole tank: Add water from the same water source to a clear glass or plastic jar. Add the pesticides in correct proportions. Mix thoroughly and let stand for a minimum 15 minutes.

How do you use ProGibb in rice?

0.5 – 2.1 GRAMS A.I 1.25 – 5.25 grams product 0.05 – 0.2 ounces product For every 100 lbs rice seed to be treated, mix the desired amount of product into 8 – 20 fl ounces of water to form treatment solution.

What is ProGibb?

ProGibb® is a gibberellic acid (GA3) plant growth regulator product. GA3 also plays a role in the regulation of other plant processes such as flowering, seed germination, dormancy, and senescence. ProGibb is used in many crops to improve crop quality and value.

What is the use of gibberellic acid?

Gibberellic acids (Gibberellins) are naturally occurring plant hormones that are used as plant growth regulators to stimulate both cell division and elongation that affects leaves and stems.

How is gibberellic acid used in seed germination?

In short, you fold up a small piece of paper towel, place the seeds in it, along with a pinch of GA3, and add a few drops of water. Let sit for 24 hours in a plastic baggie. Then treat as normal for germination.

How do you apply gibberellic acid to plants?

Gibberellic acid can be applied to plants in a variety of ways, from spraying an aqueous form onto the plant, to growing plants in a media containing the hormone, to dipping the plants into a gibberellic acid paste.

What is the work of gibberellin?

What is the main function of gibberellins? Gibberellins are plant growth regulators that facilitate cell elongation, help the plants to grow taller. They also play major roles in germination, elongation of the stem, fruit ripening and flowering.

Does gibberellic acid promote root growth?

Gibberellic acid is a simple gibberellin, a pentacyclic diterpene acid promoting growth and elongation of cells. Gibberellins have a number of effects on plant development. They can stimulate rapid stem and root growth, induce mitotic division in the leaves of some plants, and increase seed germination rates.

What does gibberellic acid do to plants?

What is progibb used for?

Registered in 1962, ProGibb is the most widely used GA3 product in the world. Registered crops and uses include: Banana – Stimulates plant growth and reduces the effects of stress. Maintains fruit quality when applied post-harvest.

What is progprogibb 40%?

ProGibb 40% is an advanced formulation that increases berry size and fruit quality due to superior uptake and absorption. Rhubarb – Helps break dormancy on plants receiving insufficient chilling and increases marketable yield of forced rhubarb. Stone Fruit – Reduces flowering and fruiting in young stone fruit trees.

Is progibb a liquid or a powder?

ProGibb is also available in a 4% liquid formulation and as ProGibb Plus 2X, a soluble powder formulation (20% water soluble powder). Always read and follow the label instructions when using any VBC product.


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