What is the votive disk of Enheduanna?

What is the votive disk of Enheduanna?

Known as the disk of Enheduanna, it holds a connection to Neil’s profession β€” it depicts a person who is probably the world’s first recorded author, Enheduanna, daughter of Sargon of Akkad and high priestess of the moon god at Ur.

What is Enheduanna famous for?

Enheduanna (Sumerian: π’‚—π’ƒΆπ’ŒŒπ’€­π’ˆΎ, also transliterated as Enheduana, En-hedu-ana, or variants; fl. 23rd century BC) is the earliest known poet whose name has been recorded. She was the High Priestess of the goddess Inanna and the moon god Nanna (SΔ«n).

What books did Enheduanna write?

Inanna, Lady of Largest Heart2000

Where was Enheduanna born?

Mesopotamia, Iraq
Enheduanna/Place of birth

Where is the head of an Akkadian ruler?

Head of an Akkadian Ruler (Iraqi Museum, Baghdad – looted?)

What does the material of gudea’s sculptures diorite tell us about the person who commissioned it?

Dedicatory inscription The dedication of the diorite statues normally tell how ensi Gudea had diorite brought from the mountains of Magan, formed it as a statue of himself, called by name to honour god/goddess (x) and had the statue brought into the temple of (y).

When did Enheduanna live?

2286 BC – 2251 BC
Enheduanna/Years of Living

Who was Enheduanna Why is she not more known?

Enheduanna was born more than 4,200 years ago and became the high priestess of a temple in what we now call southern Iraq. She wrote poems, edited hymnals, and may have taught other women at the temple how to write.

What is the oldest work of written literature?

The Epic of Gilgamesh started out as a series of Sumerian poems and tales dating back to 2100 B.C., but the most complete version was written around the 12th century B.C. by the Babylonians.

What did en HEDU Anna do?

Hers is the first female name recorded in technical history. She was the daughter of Sargon (of Akkad) who established the Sargonian Dynasty in Babylon some 4000 or so years ago. He appointed her the chief astronomer priestess of the moon goddess of the city.

What is the mask of Sargon?

The bronze head of a king, wearing the wig-helmet of the old Sumerian rulers, is probably Sargon himself. Though lacking its inlaid eyes and slightly damaged elsewhere, this head is rightly considered one of the great masterpieces of ancient art.

Where would the owners of the Sumerian votive statues put them?

Votive statues have been found buried in a caches inside the temple, or smashed during the final destruction of the temple. Their archaeological findspots indicate that some were arranged along benches around the walls of the sanctuary.

What is the Enheduanna disk?

Calcite disk of Enheduanna, daughter of Sargon of Kish, found at Ur. (From the British and University of Pennsylvania Museums’ Expedition IV, 1925-26. Used with copyright permission from the University of Pennsylvania Museum.)

What does Enheduanna mean in the Bible?

Enheduanna implies Inanna’s equality with An, the senior god of the Sumerian pantheon which Hallo suggests politically equates the Sargonic kings as adhering to Sumerian norms and beliefs in order to justify Akkad’s imperial rule over Sumer (7). Next Enheduanna depicts Inanna as disciplining mankind as a goddess of battle.

When was the Enhuduanna calcite disc discovered?

In 1927, British archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley discovered the Enhuduanna calcite disc in excavations of the Sumerian city of Ur. The figure of Enheduanna is placed prominently on the disc, emphasizing her importance.

What does the image of Enheduanna look like?

In the photograph of the disk of Enheduanna, she stands second in a line of four figures, preceded by a nude male priest and followed by two male attendants. She wears a flounced dress and a rolled brimmed turban, the aga, which she refers to in The Exaltation of Inanna as ‘the true cap/the sign of (appropriate to) en-ship’ (l.107).


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