What is train number 11447 Shaktipunj exp?
What is train number 11447 Shaktipunj exp?
Train number 11447 SHAKTIPUNJ EXP is a Mail Express that runs between Jabalpur and Howrah Jn. It covers total journey of 1150 kilometer and reaches its destination on day 3.
How to check 11447 train running status on trainspnrstatus?
To check 11447 train running status on Trainspnrstatus, you need to fill above form. At the top of the page you will find that selection form. You will have to select your journey station and journey date in the form. Suppose for train number 11447 Shaktipunj Express, you are starting your journey from Barddhaman today.
How many stops are there in 11447 JBP HWH mail express?
It covers total journey of 1150 kilometer and reaches its destination on day 3. It departs from Jabalpur at 23:50 and arrives Howrah Jn at 04:30 on third day. 11447 JBP HWH Mail Express has total 45 stopping stations in its route including both source and destination stations. Which are the journey stations for 11447?
How to reach Shaktipunj from Jabalpur to Howrah Jn?
11447 – Shaktipunj Exp runs from Jabalpur to Howrah Jn, 7 days of the week. The 11447 mail express train departs from Jabalpur at 11:50 hrs and arrives at Howrah Jn at 04:30 hrs. The total running duration of 11447 train is 28hr 40min, stopping at 45 stations during the journey.
How to check Shaktipunj exp – 11447 live running status online?
Book train tickets for Shaktipunj Exp and check the live running status online via the ixigo trains app! Apart from the above mentioned information, check Shaktipunj Exp – 11447 live running status on every station. Switch to the ixigo trains app for a seamless travel planning experience.
How many kilometers does Shaktipunj exp cover?
11447 Shaktipunj Exp is a — (–) which is running between Jabalpur (JBP) and Howrah Jn (HWH). Shaktipunj Exp covers total journey of 1151 kilometers.