What is tunable semiconductor laser?

What is tunable semiconductor laser?

A tunable laser is a laser whose wavelength of operation can be altered in a controlled manner. Tunable lasers find applications in spectroscopy, photochemistry, atomic vapor laser isotope separation, and optical communications.

Which laser is tunable?

Laser Peak offers three types of tunable lasers: narrow linewidth tunable Ti:sapphire lasers, picosecond OPOs, and nanosecond OPOs. The tunable Ti:sapphire lasers have linewidths <0.05 nm or <0.005 nm, wide tuning ranges and high pulse energies. The fundamental wavelength can be extended by 2nd, 3rd and 4th harmonic.

Is ND YAG laser tunable?

Abstract: An Nd:YAG 1-cm-long crystal has been used as the active medium for tunable single- and double-frequency lasers with a metallic absorbing thin-film selector.

How does a pulsed laser work?

Pulsed operation of lasers refers to any laser not classified as continuous wave, so that the optical power appears in pulses of some duration at some repetition rate. For a given pulse energy, this requires creating pulses of the shortest possible duration utilizing techniques such as Q-switching. …

Why is dye laser is known as tunable laser?

The most useful feature of dye lasers is their tunability. The tunability means that the lasing wavelength for a dye may be varied over a wide range. Due to this reason, dye lasers are also called tunable lasers. Tuning over 500 angstrom has been obtained.

Why is dye laser known as tunable laser?

Optical resonator System. The most useful feature of dye lasers is their tunability. The tunability means that the lasing wavelength for a dye may be varied over a wide range. Due to this reason, dye lasers are also called tunable lasers.

Which laser is pulsed laser?

Pulsed lasers are lasers which emit light not in a continuous mode, but rather in the form of optical pulses (light flashes). The term is most commonly used for Q-switched lasers, which typically emit nanosecond pulses, but this article gives an overview of a wider range of pulse-generating lasers.

What is the advantage of pulsed laser?

The main advantages of Pulsed Laser Deposition are: conceptually simple: a laser beam vaporizes a target surface, producing a film with the same composition as the target. versatile: many materials can be deposited in a wide variety of gases over a broad range of gas pressures.

How does a quantum well laser work?

A quantum well laser is a laser diode in which the active region of the device is so narrow that quantum confinement occurs. The wavelength of the light emitted by a quantum well laser is determined by the width of the active region rather than just the bandgap of the materials from which it is constructed.

What is dye laser known as tunable laser?


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