What is Unicystic ameloblastoma?

What is Unicystic ameloblastoma?

Unicystic ameloblastoma (UA) refers to those cystic lesions that show clinical, radiographic, or gross features of a mandibular cyst, but on histologic examination show a typical ameloblastomatous epithelium lining part of the cyst cavity, with or without luminal and/or mural tumor growth.

Which type of ameloblastoma has highest recurrence rate?

The follicular, granular cell, and acanthomatous types are associated with recurrence (27). Follicular ameloblastoma is characterized by highest recurrent rate as compared to other variants of ameloblastoma (22). In our study, the most common histopathological subtype was follicular ameloblastoma.

What is the most common type of ameloblastoma?

Out of these types, conventional ameloblastoma is the most common, representing 85% of all ameloblastomas, and occurs mainly in the 3rd and 4th decades of life. (Sham et al. 2009; Hertog et al. 2012) Its biological behavior is considered more aggressive due to its higher incidence of recurrence.

What is plexiform ameloblastoma?

The term plexiform unicystic ameloblastoma refers to a pattern of epithelial proliferation that has been described in cystic cavity. Because of unilocular presentation, it is commonly misdiagnosed as an odontogenic cyst. However, they may often behave clinically as biologically aggressive tumors.

Is ameloblastoma serious?

Ameloblastoma is a rare tumour which involves excess tissue growth in and around the jaw. This tumour is usually benign (non cancerous) and can appear to be solid or cyst-like.

What is a plexiform?

A tumor that forms in the tissue that covers and protects the nerves. Plexiform neurofibromas can occur anywhere in the body outside of the brain and spinal cord. They can occur on the face (including around the eye), neck, arms, legs, back, chest, abdomen, and internal organs.

What is plexiform unicystic ameloblastoma?

The intraluminal proliferation of ameloblastic epithelium is in the form of plexiform pattern. Hence, this subgroup is sometimes referred to as the plexiform unicystic ameloblastoma. UA subgroup (1.2.3) covers cases where there is an occurrence of intramural ameloblastoma tissue as well as subgroup (1.2) features.

What is the difference between unicystic and cystic ameloblastoma?

Cystic ameloblastoma: conventional ameloblastoma with macrocystic change variably referred to as cystic ameloblastoma in the past; term is discouraged as it may be confused with unicystic ameloblastoma

What are the microscopic variants of ameloblastoma?

Ameloblastoma, unicystic type: Occurs as single cystic cavity with or without intramural growth Microscopic variants include luminal, intraluminal and mural; luminal and intraluminal considered a less aggressive variant of ameloblastoma, amenable to more conservative treatment

Is desmoplastic ameloblastoma a clinical-pathological entity?

Desmoplastic ameloblastoma was also reclassified as a histological subtype and not as a clinical-pathological entity, based on the fact that it behaves like any conventional ameloblastoma, although its clinical and radiographic characteristics are peculiar (Speight and Takata 2018; Dias et al. 2013) (Fig. 1 ).


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