What is washboard effect in orthodontics?

What is washboard effect in orthodontics?

Excessive buccal or labial movement of the teeth into the labial cortical plate may cause thinning of the gingiva and a partial see through of the underlying root contour giving it a so called “washboard effect” and resultant bone loss or root resorption as teeth contact the cortical bone [14. R. Blasi and R.

What are the side effects of orthodontic treatment?

Common Side Effects of Braces

  • Mild Discomfort. Some discomfort with braces is totally normal and should be expected.
  • Irritation.
  • Jaw Pain.
  • Difficulty Eating.
  • Tooth Decay.
  • Decalcification.
  • Allergic Reactions.
  • Root Resorption.

What is interdisciplinary orthodontics?

An interdisciplinary dentofacial therapy is the effective and efficient utilization of the skills in the various disciplines of dentistry. Its key is the combination of diagnostic, treatment planning and therapeutic procedures with extensive communication among all team members.

Why is Anchorage important in orthodontics?

Anchorage is an important consideration in the field of orthodontics as this is a concept that is used frequently when correcting malocclusions. Unplanned or unwanted tooth movement can have dire consequences in a treatment plan, and therefore using anchorage stop a certain tooth movement becomes important.

What is washboard road?

Washboarding or corrugation of roads comprises a series of ripples, which occur with the passage of wheels rolling over unpaved roads at speeds sufficient to cause bouncing of the wheel on the initially unrippled surface and take on the appearance of a laundry washboard.

What is pathologic migration?

Pathologic migration is defined as change in tooth position resulting from disruption of the forces that maintain teeth in normal position in relation to their arch.

Do braces have negative effects?

Orthodontic treatment is associated with a number of adverse effects, such as root resorption, pain, pulpal changes, periodontal disease, and temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Orthodontists should be aware of these effects and associated risk factors.

What is critical anchorage in orthodontics?

In orthodontics, terms such as “critical anchorage”, “noncritical anchorage”, or “burning anchorage” are often used to describe the degree of difficulty of space closure. Anchorage may be defined as the amount of movement of the posterior teeth (molars, premolars) to close the extraction space (Fig.

What is the advantage of using the temporary anchorage device?

Here are some of the benefits of using TADs. Eliminates the need for headgear. Faster treatment: Reduces treatment time by improving the predictability of tooth movement. Simplifies tooth movements: TADs provide the necessary anchorage to achieve tooth movements that are otherwise not possible.

What causes washboard effect on dirt roads?

According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the four primary causes of washboarding are driving habits, lack of moisture, poor gravel quality, and lack of crown on the road surface. Water will then accumulate in depressions and ripples in the road, which will in turn be deepened by passing traffic.

How do washboards form?

As a wheel moves over a bump, the suspension system absorbs the shock and then pushes back against the road surface. On a soft surface like a dirt road, the push back either packs or displaces the dirt it hits. Over time, as more and more cars go over the bump, the washboard pattern develops.

What is the Bauschinger effect and how does it work?

The Bauschinger effect contributes to work softening of the workpiece, for example in straightening of drawn bars or rolled sheets, where rollers subject the workpiece to alternate bending stresses, thereby reducing the yield strength and enabling greater cold drawability of the workpiece 15. THANKYOU 

What percentage of children see an orthodontist by age 14?

“Shortly after that,” he said, “I quit.” Since the 1940s, there has been a steady increase in the percentage of children who receive orthodontic treatment. From 2010 to 2012, 16.8 percent of U.S. children between 10 and 14 years of age visited an orthodontist.

How does tensile cold working affect the Bauschinger effect?

The greater the tensile cold working, the lower the compressive yield strength . The Bauschinger effect is normally associated with conditions where the yield strength of a metal decreases when the direction of strain is changed.

Is orthodontics becoming more evidence-based?

But, he adds, the field is becoming more evidence-based as time goes on. Some orthodontists who question their field’s claims about oral health do continue to treat patients. As they see it, clear communication of evidence — or lack thereof — is key.


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