What is waterline ORM?

What is waterline ORM?

Waterline is a next-generation storage and retrieval engine, and the default ORM used in the Sails framework. Waterline strives to inherit the best parts of ORMs like ActiveRecord, Hibernate, and Mongoose, but with a fresh perspective and emphasis on modularity, testability, and consistency across adapters.

What is Waterline Sails?

The syntax supported by Sails’ model methods is called Waterline Query Language. Waterline knows how to interpret this syntax to retrieve or mutate records from any supported database. It also means that you can change your database with minimal (if any) changes to your application code. …

What is waterline in node JS?

Waterline is a new kind of storage and retrieval engine. It provides a uniform API for accessing stuff from different kinds of databases, protocols, and 3rd party APIs. That means you write the same code to get and store things like users, whether they live in Redis, mySQL, LDAP, MongoDB, or Postgres.

What is Mikro ORM?

GitHub – mikro-orm/mikro-orm: TypeScript ORM for Node.js based on Data Mapper, Unit of Work and Identity Map patterns. Supports MongoDB, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases.

What is the definition of a waterline?

Definition of waterline : a line that marks the level of the surface of water on something: such as. a(1) : the point on the hull of a ship or boat to which the water rises.

What is waterline on a boat?

Waterline: The intersection of a boat’s hull and the water’s surface, or where the boat sits in the water.

What is the best ORM for TypeScript?

Top 8 TypeScript ORMs, Query Builders, & Database Libraries: Evaluating Type Safety

  • Introduction.
  • Prisma.
  • Sequelize.
  • TypeORM.
  • Bookshelf.js.
  • Objection.js.
  • MikroORM.
  • Waterline.

What is Fastify?

Fastify is an open-source Node. js web framework that remains focused on providing excellent developer experience, minimal performance overhead, and a flexible plugin architecture. Fastify provides extensibility via hooks, plugins, and decorators.

What’s a pleasure boat?

A pleasure boat is a large boat that takes people for trips on rivers, lakes, or on the ocean for pleasure.

What is waterline corrosion?

Waterline corrosion is a type of oxidation process that can happen to materials in contact with water. Waterline corrosion occurs when one portion of a base material is submersed in the water and another portion is in contact with the air.

How do I find my waterline?

Starts here5:38How to Calculate a Boats Waterline – Archimedes Principle – YouTubeYouTube

How do you mark a waterline on a boat?

With a wax crayon, make a mark on the stern at the waterline and make another at the bow. When the boat is aligned athwartships, set up the laser tripod about 15 abeam of midships. The exact spot is not critical providing the laser beam can see the whole side of the boat (if you can see it, so can the laser beam).

What is the default ORM for sails?

Waterline (ORM) By default, new Sails apps are bundled with an ORM called Waterline (implemented in the sails-hook-orm dependency). To learn more about using Waterline, start in Concepts > Models & ORM. This section of the documentation contains a reference of all of the methods available at runtime on models, queries, and datastores.

What is the waterline Orm?

Waterline is the ORM that powers Sails. The goal of Waterline is to provide the same query interface for any database that you would like to use. Unfortunately, this means that the supported feature set is the least common denominator of every supported database. We use Postgres, and by default this means we can’t get a lot of leverage out of it.

What is the use of waterline in sails?

Waterline is a next-generation storage and retrieval engine, and the default ORM used in the Sails framework. It provides a uniform API for accessing stuff from different kinds of databases and protocols. That means you write the same code to get and store things like users, whether they live in MySQL, MongoDB, neDB, or Postgres.

Is there a responsible disclosure policy for sails?

No documented responsible disclosure policy, or information on how security vulnerabilities are handled. Waterline is the ORM that powers Sails. The goal of Waterline is to provide the same query interface for any database that you would like to use.


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