What is Zerg vs Protoss (ZvP)?

What is Zerg vs Protoss (ZvP)?

Please refer to the talk page for further discussion. These are zerg versus protoss ( ZvP) strategies used in StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood War matches. 6 zerglings. From here, use the vespene gas to either research Metabolic Boost to enhance zerglings, or upgrade to a lair for mutalisks or lurkers .

What is a good late game army composition for Zerg?

The standard Zerg late game army should consist of ultralisks, zerglings, and defilers, although this can change if the Protoss wields an unusual unit composition (such as mass corsair and dark templar).

What is it about Zerg that makes them unique?

The use of Larva rather than production buildings results in a uniquely flexible economy. While Protoss or Terran players will generally produces worker and combat units simultaneously for the whole early to mid-game, Zerg players are able to focus entirely on one or the other.

Are Nydus canals useful in Zerg vs Protoss?

Although nydus canals are not as useful in Zerg vs. Protoss as they are in Zerg vs. Terran, nydus canals allow for the Zerg army to flank a Protoss army that is trying to attack a base. However, caution must be exercised in using a nydus canal because a storm on top of it will destroy or severely damage any Zerg units that pop out of it.


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